Title: Mrs. Donald Shull Photograph Collection
Description: 29 copy prints and negatives made from prints loaned by Mrs. Donald Shull, originally from the collection of an unknown USS Milwaukee (CL-5) sailor circa 1925. Views of USS Milwaukee underway; Crossing the Line ceremony; VE-9H floatplanes, including one crashed; US Army Douglas “World Cruiser” planes; USS Coghlan (DD-326); Panama Canal dredge Hercules; USS Seattle (CA-11) and USS Kingfisher (AM-25) dockside; views in Honolulu Harbor, and Canada; views taken during Latin American intervention by US Navy, possibly Nicaragua 1927. Photo NH 104669 removed to NH collection.
Accession#: S
Catalog#: S-185
Donor: Mrs. Donald Shull
Copyright Owner: Unknown
Circa: 1923-1928
Format: Black and white photographs and negatives
For information about the rest of the collection: nhhcphotoarchives@navy.mil