Title: S-185 Mrs. Donald Shull Photograph Collection
Description: 29 copy negatives of photographs taken by an unidentified sailor of USS Milwaukee (CL-5) during the late 1920s
Accession#: S-185
Donor: Mrs. Donald Shull
Copyright Owner: Naval History and Heritage Command
Circa: 1927
Collection Guide:
29 copy negatives of photographs taken by an unidentified sailor of USS Milwaukee (CL-5) during the late 1920s. Ten photographs of views on & about USS Milwaukee (CL-5). Three photographs of U.S. Army / Douglas "World Cruiser Planes" beached in Alaska. Seven photographs taken in Hawaii, Canadian waters, and the Panama Canal Zone. Nine photographs of the U.S. Navy in an unidentified Central American country circa 1927.
For information about the rest of the collection: