Title: John Strouse Jr. Photo Collection
Description: Photo album containing approximately 171 images related to the naval service of John Strouse, Seaman 1st class, aboard USAT Edmund B. Alexander (formerly USS America (ID #3006)) during WWII, specifically 1944 and 1945. Images include subjects related to general onboard scenes and activities (including a boxing match), including many groupings of sailors (including Strouse); views of the ship’s guns and gun crews; the ship in various docks, harbors and locations (including Liverpool, England, Oran, Algeria, and Marseilles and Le Havre, France); searching German prisoners above deck and delivering them to Liverpool, July, 1944; and views of ship convoys in June 1944.
Accession#: 2020
Catalog#: 2020.04
Donor: John Strouse Jr.
Copyright Owner: Naval History and Heritage Command
Circa: WWII
Format: Black & white photographs
For information about the rest of the collection: nhhcphotoarchives@navy.mil