Title: Grant S. Ray Photo Collection
Description: 75 photographs, drawings, and paper materials from the US Navy service of Grant S. Ray, who served at various times between World War I and 1960. Topics shown range from photos of ships, installations, and personnel, to song lyrics, crude sketches, and a short self-published booklet. Views include: USS Von Steuben (SP-3017) and USS Macdonough (TB-9); anti-aircraft guns on railway cars; Philadelphia Navy Yard; USS Fairmont (AK-2429); SS Rappahannock in convoy; scenes in Washington, D.C. including Naval Hospital; Convoy observation blimp; USS Cleveland (C-19) and USS Minneapolis (C-13); national officers of Constitution Party 1960; USS Blandy (DD-943) arrives at Washington Navy Yard with bodies of unknowns, 1958; President Dwight Eisenhower with bodies of unknowns, 1958; Dutch minesweepers Dracten and Wildervank; Secretary of the Navy Paul Nitze at commissioning of USS America (CV-66); USNA Midshipment loading on board USS York County (LST-1175) for a cruise, 1960; pamphlet published by Ray “Can a Poor Man Really Become President of the U.S.”; crude pencil overlays of photographs showing scenes at sea; USS Isabel (PG-10); USS New York (BB-34); World War II carrier scene. Copyright status is uncertain, as Ray may have produced some images through his own photography studio. Some photos have been removed to the NH collection or assigned NH numbers: NH 99168, NH 99169, NH 99178, NH 99179, NH 99180, NH 99181, NH 99192, NH 99739
Accession#: S
Catalog#: S-148
Donor: Grant S. Ray
Copyright Owner: Copyright status is uncertain, as Ray may have produced some images through his own photography studio
Circa: 1918-1960
Format: Black and white photographs and textual materials
For information about the rest of the collection: nhhcphotoarchives@navy.mil