Title: Peter Rusch Photograph Collection
Description: Collection of approximately 100 photographs (album) related to the Naval Aviation Supply Depot on Samar Island, PI taken by photographic officer Ensign Karl Rusch. The images are in a bound leather album with a title of “Philippine Photographs, 1945”. The interior first page reads “photographs taken during a tour of duty at the United States Naval Aviation Supply Depot, Samar, Philippine Islands”. The photographs are an excellent overview of the base; including buildings (interiors and exteriors) – tents and Quonset huts; service members; aircraft (outstanding images of nose art) such as B-24 and 25; villagers and general scenery in Manila; warehouse full of photographic supplies and materials; VJ Day activities; and aerials of the base and surrounding area. There is a good series of photographs dedicated to supplies, development, and storage spaces related to photography. All images contain captions. The album is in outstanding condition and the photographs are professional quality. The collection also contains several documents, including a “Directory of Officers: Aircraft, Philippine Sea Frontier, 1 September 1945”, a location map (dated 6/7/1945) of US Navy Seabee Units on Samar and adjacent islands.
Accession#: 2018.24
Donor: Peter Rusch
Copyright Owner: Naval History & Heritage Command
Circa: WWII
Format: Black & white photograph
For information about the rest of the collection: nhhcphotoarchives@navy.mil