Title: UA 422.19 USS Pogy (SSN 647) Photo Collection
Description: 100+ photos of USS Pogy (SSN 647). Photographs show the commissioning of the ship in 1967, visitors to the ship in the 1980s, and many photos of ship leadership in the late 1980s.
Accession#: UA 422
Catalog#: UA 422.19
Donor: USS Pogy (SSN 647)
Circa: 1960-1990
Collection Guide:
100+ photos of USS Pogy (SSN 647). Photographs show the commissioning of the ship in 1967, visitors to the ship in the 1980s, and many photos of ship leadership in the late 1980s.
For information about the rest of the collection: NHHCPhotoArchives@Navy.mil