Title: Roger Picquet Photo Collection
Description: Photo album containing 134 photographs related to the naval service of J.M. Kane aboard USS S-8 (SS-113) during the early 1920s and appears to follow the ship’s voyage between Hawaii in April of 1921 and the Philippines in December of 1922. The collection consists of onboard submarine scenes (most likely USS S-8) as well as external views of other submarines, including USS L-6 (SS-45), H-7 (SS-150), L-8 (SS-48), L-5 (SS-44), L-4 (SS-43), L-3 (SS-42), and L-2 (SS-41). Also included are images of Kane’s fellow crewmembers (below ship as well as above); the sinking of a German Man-Of-War at Scapa Flow; USS Beaver (AS-5) providing assistance with repairs in the Pacific, November 1921; visits to Cavite, Philippines in 1922; coaling ship USS Rainbow (AS-7) in Cavite, Philippines; submarines docked at the base in Cavite 1922; sailors in Manila Bay; and native tribes in Subic Bay. Per information provided by the donor, Kane went on to become an officer and was involved in the early development of naval radio telecommunications and cryptography.
Accession#: 2019.04
Donor: Roger Picquet
Copyright Owner: Naval History & Heritage Command
Circa: 1921-1922
Format: Black & white photographs
For information about the rest of the collection: nhhcphotoarchives@navy.mil