Title: Rebecca Parrish Photo Collection
Description: Collection of a photo album with 29 images related to the naval service of Boatswain’s Mate Daniel Berger during the Korean War era (service range was 1951-1955). The onboard ship scenes appear to be that of USS Edmonds (DE-406) and consists of general ship activities; groupings of sailors, the ship docked; a motor launch with Berger in the front; highline transfer to or from USS Edmonds; and the ship coming alongside of Asian merchant ships (one of which is flying a Japanese flag). Several of the photos depict the ship in rough seas during cold, winter weather. Also included is a single photo of an unknown Japanese train station.
Accession#: 2018.31
Donor: Rebecca Parrish
Copyright Owner: Naval History & Heritage Command
Circa: Korean War
Format: Black & white photos
Collection Guide:
The images in the album are consistent with USS Edmond’s Korean War service, as she deployed to the Far East on 29 October, 1951 to 1 June 1952, and served on the bomb-line off Songjin. From 1953 to 1958 the ship conducted surveillance patrols in the Marianas and Carolines, during which time she apprehended fishing vessels violating territorial waters off these islands; transferred natives for repopulation; and aided various scientific experiments.
For information about the rest of the collection: nhhcphotoarchives@navy.mil