Title: USS Missouri (BB-63) Photo Collection
Description: Photo collection of a photo album (124 photographs) related to the visit of USS Missouri (BB-63) to Turkey in 1946. Vice Admiral M. Ali Ulgen presented the album to the US Naval Attaché’s office. Images include views of the ship at sea and in port; sailors in formation aboard ship; receiving the remains of the Turkish Ambassador to the United States, Munir Ertegun and transfer of remains during the funeral service in Istanbul; various ceremonies between US Navy and Turkish government and Navy (dinners, talks, etc.); and a tour of the Turkish Navy aboard USS Missouri. The album contains some very good exterior views of the USS Missouri.
Accession#: UA 79
Catalog#: UA 79.02
Donor: US Embassy of Turkey
Copyright Owner: Naval History and Heritage Command
Circa: 1946
Format: Black and white photographs
For information about the rest of the collection: nhhcphotoarchives@navy.mil