Title: Mel Monsen Photo Collection
Description: Photographs from the collection of Leland E. Jeffs, a member of the 40th Naval Combat Regiment during WWII. The images consist of construction activities by Navy Seabees during WWII on Pacific islands, including Guam as well as in Kodiak, Alaska. Specific subject matter consists of construction activities; bands/music; airports/aircraft; native islanders; the Japanese surrender (Chester Nimitz and Douglas MacArthur signing Instrument of Surrender); and a scrapbook which outlines the history of the 40th Naval Construction Regiment (photographs are included in this document).
Accession#: UA 570.50
Donor: Mel Monsen
Copyright Owner: Naval History & Heritage Command
Circa: WWII
Format: Black & white photograph
For information about the rest of the collection: nhhcphotoarchives@navy.mil