Title: CDR Adolph W. Meyers Photo Collection
Description: Collection of 12 photographs related to CDR Adolph W. Meyers during his time as a POW in Japan during WWII. CDR Meyers was a prisoner of for 45 months. During his capture on Guam in 1943, Meyers was a Chief Pharmacist’s Mate. He was assigned to duty in the POW camp’s wards, where he cared for the sick and disease-ridden patients. Subject matter of the photographs includes a portrait of Meyers; the Christmas party at the Umeda POW camp, December 1944; the dental clinic at Nakatsu Hospital and Nuhana POW camp; the POW camp hospital (including patient attended by Japanese Red Cross worker and civilian first aid man and building wreckage post bombing); Americans holding bamboo torture poles after the end of the war; and the POW camp commander at a post-war War Crimes Trial. It is unknown if Meyers took the photographs from this collection.
Accession#: S-451-B
Donor: Isabel Meyers
Copyright Owner: Naval History & Heritage Command
Circa: WWII
Format: Black and white photographs
For information about the rest of the collection: nhhcphotoarchive@navy.mil