Title: Anne Mackenzie Photo Collection
Description: Collection of 14 photographs related to the US Navy career of LT Isabell Kiehl Mackenzie as a nurse from the mid-1940s to the mid-1950s. The photographs depict various scenes of US Navy nurses (most of which include Kiehl Mackenzie) at social events, parties, at leisure, and as a group. There is also one photograph of Kiehl Mackenzie administering anesthesia to a patient prior to an operation. The collection provides a good example of nursing uniforms during the time period. The locations of each photograph are not noted, but it is assumed that they are from the same shore station (possibility her last assignment, MCAS Cherry Point, NC). Kiehl Mackenzie was discharged on October of 1954. In the collection, unrelated to the nursing photographs or to Kiehl Mackenzie, are three photographs of the signing ceremony aboard the USS Missouri.
Accession#: 2019.10
Donor: Anne Mackenzie
Copyright Owner: Naval History & Heritage Command
Circa: early 1950s
Format: Black & white photographs
For information about the rest of the collection: nhhcphotoarchives@navy.mil