Title: Mary McReynolds-Pellinen Photo Collection
Description: Photo album containing 63 images related to the naval service of Louis Lemke aboard USS Concord (PG-3), circa 1905 to 1908. Subject matter includes the crew onboard USS Concord in Chefoo, China; city scenes in Chefoo, Peking, Canton, and Shanghai, China; street scenes in Kobe and Yokohama, Japan; camp in Olongapo, P.I.; various city and village scenes in Manila, P.I.; views of USS Wisconsin and USS Concord at sea; and the ship’s football team practicing in China.
Accession#: 2019.08
Donor: Mary McReynolds-Pellinen
Copyright Owner: Naval History & Heritage Command
Circa: 1905-1908
Format: Black & white photographs
Collection Guide:
The majority of this album consists of liberty-type photographs including city and village scenes. There are only a few crew and ship photographs. The images appear to follow the ship on her cruise from Bremerton (not depicted in the collection) on 24 December 1905 for operations in the Philippines. Remaining there until March 1906, USS Concord sailed to China. Until 1908 she remained in the Far East serving at times on the Yangtze Patrol and as station ship at Shanghai and Canton.
For information about the rest of the collection: nhhcphotoarchives@navy.mil