Title: Chief Electrician Joseph Landis Photo Collection
Description: Approximately 100 black and white photographs from the naval service of Chief Electrician Joseph Landis, 1914-1945. Scenes on board battleship USS Florida (BB-3) including crew photos and many mascots; sports including boxing, USS Iowa football team, Freddie Burrows “The greatest fighter the Navy ever had,” and Joe Note 1928 All Navy Boxing Champion; scenes on the Hudson River in New York; surrender of the German fleet at the end of World War I, with views of many German and British warships, as well as some views of Scotland; views of torpedoes, airships, and aircraft; gunnery drills; crew photo on board USS Litchfield (DD-336); USS Salt Lake City (CA-25) scenes showing crew, sports, and signed portrait of Commander H.C. Gearing; miscellaneous photos of locations including Dutch Harbor, Fiji, Honolulu; USS SC-120.
Accession#: S
Catalog#: S-122
Donor: Chief Electrician Joseph Landis
Copyright Owner: Naval History and Heritage Command
Circa: 1914-1945
Format: Black and white photographs
For information about the rest of the collection: nhhcphotoarchives@navy.mil