Title: USS Independence (CV-62) Photo Collection
Description: Collection of 10 photographs transferred from the ship related to events, ceremonies, and VIP visitors in 1982. Specific events include: General John H. Vessey visiting the ship; RADM E.H. Martin relieving RADM J.E. Service as ComBATTLE Force, Sixth Fleet; CDR Andrews relieving CAPT Jaim Lair as ComCARRIER Airwing Six; visits by senators; visits by Ambassador Philip Habib; visitors from West Germany; and the burial at se of LCDR N.G. Brooks on April 7, 1982. The C/O of the ship, CAPT J.C. Breast is seen in several images.
Accession#: S-493-B
Donor: USS Independence (CV-62)
Copyright Owner: Naval History & Heritage Command
Circa: 1982
Format: Color photograph
For information about the rest of the collection: nhhcphotoarchives@navy.mil