Title: UA 428.07 Capt. Joseph F. Heald Photo Collection
Description: 11 photographs of the birthplace of John Paul Jones on the estate of Arbigland House in Kirkbean, Scotland. The photographs were taken in 1965.
Accession#: UA 428
Catalog#: UA 428.07
Donor: Capt. Joseph F. Heald
Circa: 1965
Collection Guide:
11 photographs of the birthplace of John Paul Jones on the estate of Arbigland House in Kirkbean, Scotland. The photographs were taken in 1965.
Previously, the photographs were converted to NH Photos by NHHC staff and were given the numbers: NH 48635; NH 48636; NH 48637; NH 48638; NH 48639; NH 48640; NH 48642; NH 48644; NH 48645.
For information about the rest of the collection: NHHCPhotoArchives@Navy.mil