Title: Howard R. Hunt Photo Collection
Description: Collection of 11 unrelated stereo cards circa 1898-1907. Specific subject matter includes: USS Puritan (BM-1); Spanish American War victory fleet review at New York, 1898, USS Massachusetts (BB-2), USS Oregon (BB-3), and USS Brooklyn (CA-3); warships of the early 1900s, USS Wisconsin (BB-9), USS Alabama (BB-8), USS Illinois (BB-7), USS Kentucky (BB-18) and USS Main (BB-10); USS Connecticut leading the fleet to sea, circa 1907; and crew of the USS Wisconsin posed with the forward 13”/35 guns, 1901. There is no relationship between the photos.
Accession#: S-468
Donor: Howard R. Hunt
Copyright Owner: Naval History & Heritage Command
Circa: 1898-1907
Format: Black & white stereo cards
For information about the rest of the collection: nhhcphotoarchives@navy.mil