Title: USS Guadalcanal (LPH-7) Photo Collection
Description: Collection of 27 photographs related to the ship during 1980. Specific activities and events include: recovery of a crashed US Coast Guard Sikorsky HH-52 helicopter from the water; the ship’s self-defense force in training with Navy Seals; arms demonstration on Sardinia showing M-113 armored personnel and Commander Amphibious Squadron Two; an AV-8A “Harrier” operating from USS Guadalcanal in the Indian Ocean; Crossing the Line ceremonies aboard ship; and preparing to two an LST during exercises.
Accession#: S-493-D
Donor: USS Guadalcanal (LPH-7)
Copyright Owner: Naval History & Heritage Command
Circa: 1980
Format: Black & white photograph
For information about the rest of the collection: nhhcphotoarchives@navy.mil