Title: RADM Wells L. Field Photo Collection
Description: Collection of 12 photographs mounted onto cardstock showing scenes aboard USS St. Marys (1843-1908) taken circa 1894-1897, when Field was her CO. The images contain subjects such as: lowing a boat from stern davits; boxing match onboard ship; classroom scenes; knot tying; mess tables in use; CAPT Field in his cabin; the ship “dressed with flags”; and recreation on the gun deck. Also included in this collection, but removed and placed in the NH image series at the item level, are: NH 99, NH 73385-NH 73391 (see below).
Accession#: S-427-F
Donor: CAPT Wells Field
Copyright Owner: Naval History and Heritage Command
Format: Black & white photographs
Collection Guide:
The personal papers of RADM Wells L. Field can be found in the NHHC archives.
For information about the rest of the collection:
For associated textual materials, please visit the donated personal papers collection of Wells Field