Title: Lieutenant Gustave Freret Photo Collection
Description: 54 black and white photographs and copy prints, donated by Lieutenant Gustave Freret. Images primarily show scenes in Asia, circa 1930s. A selection of US Navy related images including USS V-4 (SS-166), USS Langley (CV-1) Vought O2U, Douglas DT-2, and Curtiss F6C. Asia scenes include views of Hong Kong, Shanghai, Tsingtao, Hangchow, and Peking, including streets, and temples, as well as junks and other boats.
Accession#: S
Catalog#: S-136
Donor: Lieutenant Gustave Freret
Copyright Owner: Naval History and Heritage Command
Circa: 1930s
Format: Black and white photographs
For information about the rest of the collection: nhhcphotoarchives@navy.mil