Title: Paul Fritschel Photo Collection
Description: Donation by Donald Fritschel, collection of 35 photographs from the Radio Materiel School, Treasure Island, CA, 1943-1945. Commander Fritschel was the officer in charge of the school during this period (and went on to establish the Radio Materiel School, Navy Pier, Chicago and the Officers Training School (radar) at Bowdin College, Brunswick, ME). The collection consists of images related to the school’s personnel, platform methods, laboratory methods, classroom education, and views of the various training laboratories. Various radio equipment and systems being taught includes the Transformer and Choke Display Board, RCA Dynamic Demonstrator, Selsyn and Differential Indicator System, Hartley Oscillator, RC Time Constants; Cathode Ray; and a Class C R.F. Power Amplifier. For preservation purposes, the photos were removed from a plastic binder.
Catalog#: 2016.30
Donor: Donald Fritschel
Copyright Owner: Naval History & Heritage Command
Circa: 1943-1945
Format: Black & white photograph
Collection Guide:
Below are a selection of images from the collection.
For information about the rest of the collection: nhhcphotoarchives@navy.mil