Title: UA 420.20 VADM George Carroll Dyer Photo Collection
Description: 200+ photographs related to the Naval service of VADM George Carroll Dyer (1898-1987). Photographs are focused on the subjects of World War II and Admiral James Otto Richardson.
Accession#: UA 420
Catalog#: UA 420.20
Donor: Unknown
Circa: 1930-1960
Collection Guide:
200+ photographs related to the Naval service of VADM George Carroll Dyer (1898-1987). Photographs are focused on the subjects of World War II and Admiral James Otto Richardson. Subjects in World War II include: Italian POWs at Bizerte, Tunisia; USS Leutze (DD 481); LST 884. Additional photographs show numerous ceremonies and events around the United States post WWII. The collection also contains two folders of photographs related to the career of Admiral James Otto (JO) Richardson (1878-1974).
For information about the rest of the collection:
For associated textual materials, please visit the donated personal papers collection of VADM George C. Dyer