Title: George L. Dant Photo Collection
Description: Photo album and loose images related to the Naval Torpedo Station, Alexandria, VA from 1940 to 1945. Donation was made by George L. Dant, who was an engineer at the station. Several of the images from this collection have been cataloged at the item level into the NH image series (NH 94096 to NH 94130). See below for a detailed collection listing.
Accession#: S-477
Donor: George L. Dant
Copyright Owner: Naval History & Heritage Command
Circa: 1940-1945
Format: Black & white photograph
Collection Guide:
91-page photo album containing 110 photographs related to the Naval Torpedo Station, Alexandria, VA from 1940-1945. Images consist of exterior views of the station; offices; shops; firing and retrieving torpedoes at the Torpedo Test Range, Piney Point, MD; a Japanese torpedo; parades in Alexandria; station personnel (military and civilian); Commandant RADM R.W. Hayler; testing barge; firing torpedo from tube mounted on dock. All images have an associated caption.
36 photographs of personnel at the Naval Torpedo Station, Alexandria, VA. Subjects include supervisors and department heads; trainees; female shop workers; and medical staff.
For information about the rest of the collection: nhhcphotoarchives@navy.mil