Title: Michael Doherty Photo Collection
Description: Collection of 47 photographs related to the naval service of Thomas Doherty aboard USS Toledo (CA-133) during the ship's inaugural around the world cruise, 1947. The images follow the ships cruise beginning around April 14, whereby USS Toledo departed Philadelphia for a course across the Atlantic. She steamed through the Mediterranean, transited the Suez Canal, crossed the Indian Ocean and arrived at Yokosuka, Japan on 15 June, 1947.
Accession#: 2019.22
Donor: Michael Doherty
Copyright Owner: Naval History and Heritage Command
Circa: 1947
Format: Black and white photographs
Collection Guide:
Image subject matter consists of reconnaissance planes on their catapults; the ship sailing through a typhoon with resulting damage to the ship (gun tubs damage, lifeboats ripped from davits, planes separated from catapults, etc.); a visit from a sheik and entourage from Aden, Yemen (who brought aboard sheep as a gift); as well as several city/village scenes (unknown locations). Images show the ship sailing through the Mediterranean and Suez Canal and include photos of the crew (aboard ship and on shore) – Doherty is included in several shots. There is a good view of the crew’s bunks below deck.
For information about the rest of the collection: nhhcphotoarchives@navy.mil