Title: UA 437.02 John Czernewski Photo Collection
Description: 14 postcards collected by J.P. Czernewski during his service in the Great White Fleet
Accession#: UA 437
Catalog#: UA 437.02
Donor: John Czernewski
Collection Guide:
14 postcards collected by J.P. Czernewski during his service in The Great White Fleet. Czernewski served on USS Alabama (BB 8) and USS Louisiana (BB 19) in the early 20th century. Images show: USS Illinois (BB 7); "High School, Honolulu T. H."; "Winchester Cathedral & The Avenue"; "Thomas Thetcher's Tombstone. West of [Winchester] Cathedral";" Los Angeles, Cal. city Hall"; Point Cumana. Trinidad [1907]"; "India Yagan, preparando un cuero.. [1908]; "Hongkong"; "George St. at Cathedral" [Sydney, Australia August 1908"; "Jamestown Exposition 1907"; "Mosquee et minarets de Sultan Kalaoun [Cairo]"; "Coronel Francisco Bolognesi" [of Peru]; "Long Beach, Cal. Pavilion and Wharf."; "Entrance to Princess Royal Harbour, Albany, W.A."
For information about the rest of the collection: NHHCPhotoArchives@Navy.mil