Title: UA 428.17 Juanita B. Cooper Photo Collection
Description: A scrapbook of 35 photographs of U.S. Navy activities in northeast France during 1917-1918.
Accession#: UA 428
Catalog#: UA 428.17
Donor: Juanita B. Cooper
Circa: 1917-1918
Collection Guide:
A scrapbook of 35 photographs of U.S. Navy activities in northeast France during 1917-1918. Images show: U.S. Navy Rail Gun; Admiral Charles Peshall Plunkett; Captured German aircraft at Hotel des Invalides in Paris; German fortifications at Soissons, France; Cathedral ruins at Soissons; French Colonial troops; German prisoners in two locations. One is identified as Noyen; damage to the Aisne [-Marne] Canal bridge; French surveillance balloon at Flavy; Oulchy[-le-Chateau], France; Arizy, France; USS Kanawha (Sp-130).
For information about the rest of the collection: NHHCPhotoArchives@Navy.mil