Title: Cheltenham Naval Radio Station Photo Collection
Description: Collection of 122 photographs related to U.S. Naval Radio Station, Cheltenham, MD from 1938 to 1960. Established as a radio receiving station before WWII, the installation’s mission evolved to administrative during the Cold War era. The 102 buildings and structures located on US Naval Radio Station, Cheltenham, include 44 buildings and structures constructed between 1938 and 1945, and 58 constructed after 1946.
Accession#: 2019.
Catalog#: 2019.52
Donor: Found in collection
Copyright Owner: Naval History and Heritage Command
Circa: 1938-1960
Format: Black & white photographs
Collection Guide:
Subject matter of the images include 1938 construction of station buildings (including various ground equipment and road development); views of the construction of the CMR receiving antenna (1958-1959); various inspections and ceremonies at the station (1950s); general station views (1950s); Communication Moon Relay Demonstration, January 28, 1960; views of transmission lines and radio equipment; VIP tours; and station personnel.
For information about the rest of the collection: nhhcphotoarchives@navy.mil