Title: Sue Carrick Photo Collection
Description: Collection of 32 photographs related to the naval service of Sue Carrick from 1952-1956 at Naval Air Station Alameda, CA. The images are more social in nature and do not depict work or activities at the station. The bulk of the photographs show groups of fellow female sailors, including Carrick, in Navy uniform around the exterior of various station buildings as well as what appears to be inside the mess hall, lounge, and library. The collection is useful for its depiction of women’s uniforms during the 1950s (both the dress and seersucker uniforms are seen).
Accession#: 2019
Catalog#: 2019.29
Donor: Lorraine Jardin
Copyright Owner: Naval History and Heritage Command
Circa: 1952-1956
Format: Black and white photograph
For information about the rest of the collection: nhhcphotoarchives@navy.mil