Title: VADM Mahlon S. Tisdale Photo Collection
Description: 18 copy prints and negatives copied from the scrapbook of VADM Tisdale in 1967. Included in the collection are images related to the time of VADM Tisdale at the US Naval Academy; aboard USS Olympia (C-6); group photos of the Class of 1912 in Finse, Norway in 1911; port side view of USS Ludlow (DD-112) circa 1919; and LTJG Tisdale with other officers aboard USS Neptune (AC-8) in 1916. Also part of the collection are images of the Tisdale family taken in Slayton, MN circa 1909 and Sutherlin, OR in 1915.
Accession#: S-208
Donor: VADM Mahlon S. Tisdale
Copyright Owner: Naval History and Heritage Command
Circa: 1909-1919
Format: Black and white photographs, black and white negatives
For information about the rest of the collection: nhhcphotoarchives@navy.mil