Documentary Histories
Spanish-American War
Secretary of the Navy John D. Long to Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet
July 4, 1898.
The Secretary of the Navy sends you and every officer and man of your fleet remembering equally your dead comrade grateful acknowledgement of your heroism and success.1 All honor to the brave. You have maintained the glory of the American Navy.
Source Note: CyS, DNA, RG 45, Entry 29. Addressed before opening: “Admiral Sampson, Playa,Cuba.” Document reference: “124010.”
Footnote 1: This telegram was the official congratulations of the Navy Department regarding the 3 July, naval victory at Santiago de Cuba. The “dead comrade” referenced was Chief Yeoman George H. Ellis of Brooklyn. See: Long to Mrs. George Ellis, July 1898.