Brigadier General Adolphus W. Greely to Commander Bowman H. McCalla
Washington, 27-6 11-8m.
Commander McCalla.
Informed that you have forbidden transmission of messages west of playa by law control of lines militarily occupied to devolve on me and by special order of the president I have complete charge of all cables and telegraphical communications in cuban waters request that you immediately revoke your orders and refrain from giving others lieutenant colonel of general miles1 staff is my representative and the work of Allen2 and of lieutenant jones his subordinate will be interfered with by you at your peril.3
(sig) A.W. Greely, brigadier General Chief
Signal Officer.
Source Note: TCy, DNA, RG 313, entry 48. At top left center: “(Copy).” At top right corner stamped: “RECEIVED/FLAG-SHIP N.A. STATION,/JUN 28 1898.”
Footnote 1: Maj. Gen. Nelson A. Miles was the Commanding General of the U.S. Army.
Footnote 2: Col. James Allen received the Distinguished Service Cross for raising and severing submarine cables while under fire.