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Admiral William S. Benson, Chief of Naval Operations, to Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters


Cablegram Received                 Oct. 19, 1917

Origin         Opnav, Washington        Serial No. Opnav 719

Via N.C. D. 10 ADR                           Date No. 14017

Copies to C. of S.; J.V.B.1


Action Referred to.

Action taken.



Ref. No.

C. of S.

<Copy to




By Ad. Sims>




Opnav 719. Your 914.2 Following from letter Admiral Mayo to Secretary of the Navy for your information and for use at discretion, quote: The publication of complete article indicating lack of co-ordination between the British Admiralty and our service can only be regarded as unfortunate.3 In view of my very recent visit to the British Admiralty, extending over a considerable period of time, I cannot too strongly express to you my feelings in regard to the full desire that exists in the Admiralty for complete co-ordination between the British and American naval Departments and Services.

     My staff and myself received from the British Admiralty the most full, free and frank information on every point, and the readiness to give us as complete information on all subjects possessed by them was clearly indicated, and the idea that complete co-ordination is not desired and does not exist must be regarded as erroneous. Anything that I can say or do to combat such an idea is my earnest desire, signed Mayo unquote 14017

Admiral Benson.

Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. Notation in upper left-hand corner: “Action Copy.”

Footnote 1: Chief of Staff Capt. Nathan C. Twining; Sims’ aide Cmdr. John V. Babcock.

Footnote 3: The article is discussed in Ibid.

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