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Commander Charles R. Train, United States Naval Attaché in Rome, to Captain William D. MacDougall, United States Naval Attaché in London


     CABLEGRAM RECEIVED  October 27, 11917.


     ABC                 Date No.  16025


Alusna    London.

  From Italian information service from Norway that second officer German Submarine eight sunk Ellend stated that they had waited for her.2 That all Submarines are aware all movements vessels that cross between America and France also that they know routes within few hours after they are indicated to ship by Navy Department. That Submarine above mentioned was sixth week at sea and same that bombarded Ponta del gada.3  Department informed. 16025

Train Naval Attache.

Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. Identification numbers “1/4/5/C/H/J” appear to the right under “Date No.” in columnar fashion.

Footnote 1: The meaning of “ABC” is unknown. The initials “W.B.M.” refer to MacDougall.

Footnote 2: The editor could find no record of a ship by this name being sunk.

Footnote 3: A German submarine bombarded this city, the primary Allied port in the Azores, on 4 July 1917. The attack bore little fruit for the Germans, but prompted the U.S. to send warships to the island to prevent Germany occupying it and using it as a base to harass Allied convoys, which frequently passed nearby. Still, Crisis at Sea: 374.