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Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels to All Navy

Copy of Alnav #6.

2 February 1917.

     Six Alnav Sigcode Confidential. In view present international situation1 take every possible precaution to protect government plants and vessels Acknowledge.   20002.


Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. The order is typed on “Office of Naval Operations” stationery. “Radiogram” is handwritten at the top of the order.

Footnote 1: On 31 January, German Ambassador ito the United States Johann Albrecht Graf von Bernstorff, informed President Woodrow Wilson that on 1 February, Germany would resume unrestricted submarine warfare against both neutral and Allied shipping. As a result, on 3 February, the United States severed diplomatic relations with Germany and ordered von Bernstorff to leave the country. Wilson Joint Address to Congress, 3 February, Wilson Papers, 41: 108-12; Trask, Captains & Cabinets, 30-4. On 9 February, the New York Naval Station was asked to provide water transportation for the German ambassador and his party—“not exceeding thirty five some of whom will be ladies”—from Jersey City to the 17th street pier in Hoboken, NJ. They were also asked to coordinate with “local authorities [so] order” would be maintained. Daniels to New York Naval Station, 9 February, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B.

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