Congress II (Frigate)
(Fr: lbp. 126; b. 34'10"; dph. 10'6"; a. 28 guns)
The bicameral legislature of the National Government of the United States, consisting of Senate and House of Representatives.
The second Congress was a sailing frigate built by Lancaster Burling at Poughkeepsie, N.Y., under authority of an act of the Second Continental Congress, dated 13 December 1775. One of the first 13 ships authorized to be built by the new government, she was placed under the command of Captain Grenell in the summer of 1776. Before her outfitting was completed, the British occupied the approaches to the Hudson River and extended their control of the environs throughout 1777. The infant Continental Navy suffered the destruction of Congress in October 1777 to prevent her seizure by the enemy.
Published: Tue Jun 30 15:05:36 EDT 2015