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Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters, to Captain Joel R. Poinsett Pringle, Commander, Destroyer Flotilla, Queenstown


October 12, 1917.

FROM: Force Commander.

TO: Commanding Officer, U.S.S. MELVILLE.

SUBJECT: Transmission of radiograms to Radio Stations on French Coast

     1.   It is requested that the following order be promulgated to destroyers operating from Queenstown:

          "    It is directed that all Radiograms transmitted to

Radio Stations on the French Coast carry the time reference number at the end of the radiogram, in accordance with the procedure now in effect, but that this time group be the actual hour and minute to the nearest five minutes that the radiogram is actually transmitted."

     2.   An order has been given by the Commander U.S. Patrol Squadrons based on the French Coast to all vessels to the above effect,1 and it is desired to make same effective to all forces in European Waters.

     3.   It is requested that destroyer escorts inform the Force Commander of any delays in transmission of Radiograms or acknowledgements by the French Radio Stations, as all delays will be investigated immediately by the French authorities. Every effort is being made to expedite and improve communication between escorts, and the CDPB, Brest,2 and to this end all destroyers are requested to make written reports of any failure in communication.

     4.   It is hoped in the near future to install our own Naval Radio men in the three French Radio Stations, viz: Brest-Kerlaer, Chamoulin and LaBouscat, hoping thereby to improve the service.


Source Note: CyS, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B.

Footnote 1: RAdm. William B. Fletcher.