Peter "PT" Book
Title: Peter "PT" Book by Polly Culbertson, 1944
Accession #: NHHC 2019.013.034
Circa: 1944
Size: 7.125 x 6.875"
Medium: Paper
Location: Headquarters Artifact Collection, Naval History and Heritage Command
Hardcover illustrated children's book titled "Peter PT"; story by Polly Culbertson, illustrated by Annette Byrne; published by David McKay Company, 1944. The book tells the story of patrol torpedo boats entering the war effort.
Throughout the book, the anthropomorphized patrol boat, “Petey PT,” demonstrates his superior agility and fighting power compared to larger navy vessels. In essence, the book provides children of Patrol Boat sailors with the valuable lesson that size does not necessarily equal power. Books like this not only gave children a sense of pride for their sailor parent, but explained the war effort in more approachable terms.