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U.S. Naval Abbreviations

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - ST - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Navy Numbers


Note: Where the same abbreviation has more than one meaning, the several meanings have been arranged alphabetically. Abbreviations preceded by an asterisk (*), other than Navy numbers, may never be used singly; those preceded by the symbol for number (#) are the Bureau of Personnel Condensation Code for use in dispatch orders to personnel.

K -- Communications Division aboard a carrier

 K -- Fairchild Aviation Corporation (manufacturer's symbol)

 K -- Kaiser Cargo, Inc. (Fleetwings Division) (manufacturer's symbol)

 K -- Kinner Airplane and Motor Corporation (manufacturer's symbol)

 K -- Nash-Kelvinator Company (manufacturer's symbol)

 K -- Modified for use as target aircraft (suffix to plane designation)

 K -- Pilotless Aircraft

 KA -- Contraction of AKA (attack cargo ship)

 KA -- Pilotless aircraft for attack on aircraft

 KANS -- Kansas

"Kansan" -- See SNB-1

"Kaydet" -- See N2S

 KBO -- Kite and Balloon Officer

 KC -- Kilocycle(s)

 KD -- Pilotless aircraft for use as target aircraft

 K-Day -- Day set for strike or assault by a carrier's aircraft; corresponds to land forces' designation of D-Day with which it may or may not coincide

 KDD-# -- Navy pilotless aircraft, target, manufactured by McDonnell

 KEN -- Kentucky

 KG -- Key West to Guantanamo (routing designation)

 KG -- Pilotless aircraft for attack on ground targets

 KGW-# -- Navy pilotless aircraft for attack on ground targets, manufactured by Willys-Overland

 KH -- Key West to Galveston (routing designation)

 Ki -- Kilocycle(s)

 KIA -- Killed In Action

 King -- "K" in the phonetic alphabet

"Kingfisher" -- See OS2N-#, OS2U-#

"Kites" -- Radar countermeasures; previously called "Angels"

 KJ -- Pilotless aircraft for utility purposes

 KM -- United Kingdom to Mediterranean (routing designation)

 KN -- Key West to New York of Key West to Norfolk (routing designation)

 KNA -- Killed; not enemy action

 Kn(s) -- Knot(s)

 KO -- Kodiak, Alaska

 KPO -- Keypunch Operator

 KS -- Norfolk to Key West (routing designation)

 KS -- Pilotless aircraft for attack on ship targets

 KT -- Knots

 KV(s) -- Kilovolt(s)

 KW -- Key West, Florida

 KW(s) -- kilowatt(s)

 KY -- Kentucky

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - ST - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Navy Numbers

Published: Mon Mar 09 10:52:35 EDT 2015