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U.S. Naval Abbreviations

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - ST - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Navy Numbers


Note: Where the same abbreviation has more than one meaning, the several meanings have been arranged alphabetically. Abbreviations preceded by an asterisk (*), other than Navy numbers, may never be used singly; those preceded by the symbol for number (#) are the Bureau of Personnel Condensation Code for use in dispatch orders to personnel.

E -- Bellanca Aircraft Corporation (manufacturer's symbol)

 E -- Edo Aircraft Corporation (manufacturer's symbol)

 E -- Electronic night bombing installation (suffix to plane designation)

 E -- Gould Aeronautical Division (Pratt, Read& Co.)

 E -- Electrical Equipment Division of the Engineering Department aboard a carrier

 E -- Office of Engineering (Engineer-in-Chief) (USCG)

 E -- Piper Aircraft Corporation (manufacturer's symbol)

 E -- USNR officer designation for General Service, Engineering Duties. Formerly (E).

 E/A -- Enemy Aircraft

 EA -- East Africa

 EA -- Engineer Rear Admiral (GB)

 EAC -- Eastern Air Command (CBI Theater)

 EAC -- European Advisory Commission

 EAD -- Extended Active Duty

 EAE -- Aeronautical Engineering Division (USCG)

#EARLPRADATE -- Earliest Practical Date

 EASTCO -- East Coast

 EastCon -- Eastern Sea Frontier Control Local of Shipping in Gulf of Maine

 EASTOMP -- East-Ocean Meeting point

 EastSeaFron -- Eastern Sea Frontier

 Easy -- "E" in the phonetic alphabet

 E.B.Co. -- Electric Boat Company

 EC -- Electric Coding (Cipher) Machine Repairman

 EC -- Engineering Construction

 ECAD -- European Civil Affairs Division

 ECAR -- European Civil Affairs Regiment

 Ech -- Echelon

"Echo" -- Reflected Signal (radar)

 ECM -- Electric Coding or Cipher Machine

 ECV -- Civil Engineering Division (USCG)

 ED -- Eastern District

 ED -- Electric Dynamic (Motors)

 ED -- Engineering Draftsman

 ED -- Extra Duty

 ED -- Fingerprint Expert

 EDC -- Eastern Defense Command (Army)

 EDDC -- East Coast (Naval Publications) Distribution Center

 EDO -- USN officer designation for Engineering Duty Only

 EEE -- Electronics Engineering Division (USCG)

 EEN&T -- Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat

 EE&RM -- Elementary Electrical and Radio Material (Training School)

 Eff -- Effect(ed), Effective

 EF & LTC -- Enemy Fuels and Lubricants Technical Committee

 EFM -- Expeditionary Force Message

 EFTS -- Elementary Flying Training School

 EG -- Expert Gunner (Army)

 EG -- Escort Group

 EIL -- Explosives Investigation laboratory

 EL -- USNR officer designation for Limited General Service, Engineering Duty. Formerly (E)L.

 ELEC -- Electrician

 Elect -- Electric(ian); Electric(al)

 EL/G or  ELG -- Emergency Landing Ground

 ELN -- USNR officer designation. See EL and N. Formerly (E)L-N.

 ELR -- USNR officer designation See EL and R. Formerly (E)L-R.

 ELSB -- Edge Lighted Status Board

 ELT -- Electrocardiography and Basal Metabolism Technician

 ELT -- USNR officer designation. See EL and T. Formerly (E)L-T.

 ELTC -- Enlisted loss to commissioned status

 ELTW -- Enlisted loss to warrant status

 ELX -- USNR officer designation. See EL and X. Formerly (E)L-X.

 EM -- Educational Manual

 EM -- Electrician's Mate

 E.M. -- Electro-Motive Corporation

 EM -- Engine Maintenance

 EM -- Enlisted man (men)

 EM -- USNR officer designation for General Service, Engineering Merchant Marine. Formerly (EM).

 E-M -- USNR designation for Engineer Officers, Merchant Marine, commissioned and warrant, including electricians, radio electricians, carpenters and machinists, qualified for engineering or other appropriate duties. This classification was abolished in September 1944 and replaced by (EM), (EM)L or S(EM).

 Emb -- Embark(ed) (ation)

 EMCB -- Electrician's Mate, Construction Battalion

 EMCBC -- Electricians Mate, Construction Battalion, Communications

 EMCBD -- Electricians Mate, Construction Battalion, Draftsman

 EMCBG -- Electricians Mate, Construction Battalion, General

 EMCBL -- Electricians Mate, Construction Battalion, Line and Station

 EMERG -- Emergency

 EML -- USNR officer designation for Limited General Service, Engineering, Merchant Marine. Formerly (EM)L.

 EMLN -- USNR officer designation. See EML and N. Formerly (EM)L-N.

 EMLR -- USNR officer designation. See EML and R. Formerly (EM)L-R.

 EMLT -- USNR officer designation. See EML and T.

 EMLX -- USNR officer designation. See EML and X.

 EMN -- USNR officer designation. See EM and N. Formerly (EM)-N.

 EMR -- USNR officer designation. See EM and R. Formerly (EM)-R.

 EMSR -- Electrician's Mate, Ship Repair

 EMSRG -- Electrician's Mate, Ship Repair, General Electrician

 EMSRS -- Electrician's Mate, Ship Repair, Shop Electrician

 EMSRT -- Electrician's Mate, Ship Repair, I.C. Repairman

 EMT -- Electrician's Mate, Telephone (USCG)

 EMT -- Embalmer

 EMT -- USNR officer designation. See EM and T. Formerly (EM)-T.

 EMX -- USNR officer designation. See EM and X. Formerly (EM)-X.

 EN -- USNR officer designation. See E and N. Formerly (E)-N.

 ENC -- Electroencephalography Technician

 ENC -- Enlistment Cancelled

 ENDEK -- National Democratic Party (Poland)

 ENE -- Naval Engineering Division (USCG)

*ENG -- Engineering

 Engr -- Engineer

 Enl -- Enlist(ed) (ment)

 Ens -- Ensign

 EOC -- Enemy Oil Committee (US)

 EOD -- Date of Entering Officer

 EOSO -- Escort Oilers Supervising Officer

 EOU -- Enemy Objective Unit (US) (London)

 EP -- Engineer Personnel (USMC)

 EPC -- End Products Committee (WPB)

 EPCO -- Engine Parts Coordinating Office (BuShips)

 EPD -- Eastern Procurement Division

 EPD -- Eastern Production District

 EPF -- Emergency Plant Facilities

 EPLA -- Electronics Precedence List Agency

 EPR -- Engineer Photographic and Reproduction (USMC)

 EQPT -- Equipment

 Equip -- Equipment

 E&R -- Engineering and Repair (Department)

 ER -- Expert Rifleman (USMC)

 ER -- USNR officer designation. See E and R. Formerly (E)-R.

 ERC -- Enlisted Reserve Corps (Army)

 ERO -- Emergency Repair Overseer

 ERSA -- Electronic Research Supply Agency

 EsCarFor -- Escort Carrier Force

 ESCORON -- Escort Scouting Squadron

 EscortDiv -- Escort Division

 EscortFightRon -- Escort Fighter Squadron

 ESF -- Eastern Sea Frontier

 ESHU -- Emergency Ship Handling Unit

 ESO -- Educational Services Office(r)

 ESS -- Educational Services Section

 EST -- Epidemiology and Sanitation Technician

 ESTAB -- Establish(ment)

 ESTAR -- Estimated Arrival Date

 ET -- USNR officer designation. See E and T. Formerly (E)-T.

 ETA -- Estimated Time of Arrival

 ETD -- Estimated Time of Departure

 ETD -- Testing and Development Division (USCG)

 ETE -- Estimated Time Enroute

 ETF -- Eastern Task Force

 ETF -- Estimated Time of Flight

 ETI -- Estimated Time of Interception

 ETM -- Electronic Technician's Mate

 ETMSR -- Electronic Technician's Mate, Ship Repair

 ETO -- European Theater of Operations

 ETOUSA -- European Theater of Operations, United States Army

 ETRA -- Estimated Time to Reach Altitude

 ETS -- Expiration Term of Service (Army)

*EU -- Europe

 EV -- Escort Vessels (enemy)

 EVA -- Escort Vessel Administration

 Evac -- Evacuation

 Evap -- Evaporator

 E-V(G) -- USNR designation for Engineer Officers, commissioned and warrant, including electricians, carpenters, and machinists, qualified for general detail afloat or ashore. This classification was abolished in September 1944 and replaced by one of the following: (E) or (E)L, if general service; (S), S(E), or S(E) with proper numeral indicating specialty within engineering, if special service.

 E-V(RS) -- USNR designation for Engineer Officers, commissioned and warrant, including radio electricians, qualified for specialist duties. This classification was abolished in September 1944 and replaced by the proper aviation or engineering classification with the suffix "T".

 E-V(S) -- USNR designation for Engineer Officers, commissioned and warrant, including electricians, radio electricians and machinists, qualified for specialist duties. This classification was abolished in September 1944 and replaced by one of the following: (E), (E)L, (S), S (E), or S (E) with proper numeral indicating particular specialty within engineering.

 EWAS -- Economic Warfare Analysis Section

 EWD -- Economic Warfare Division (US) (London)

 EWT -- Eastern War Time

 EX -- Excess

 EX -- Experiment(al)

 EX -- Expert

 EX -- USNR officer designation. See E and X. Formerly (E)-X.

*EXAM -- Examining board

 Exc -- Excellent

"Excalibur" -- See JRS-#

 EXCL -- Exclusive

 ExDiv -- Experimental Division

 EXOS -- Executive Office

 Exp -- Experience

 Exp -- Express (boiler)

 EXP -- Express

 ExpDivUnit -- Experimental Diving Unit

*EXPED -- Expedition(ary)

"Expeditor" -- See JRB-1-4

 Exp Enl -- Expiration of Enlistment (USMC)

 ExSta -- Experimental Station

 Ext Enl -- Extension of Enlistment

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - ST - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Navy Numbers

Published: Mon Mar 09 10:29:17 EDT 2015