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U.S. Naval Abbreviations

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - ST - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Navy Numbers


Note: Where the same abbreviation has more than one meaning, the several meanings have been arranged alphabetically. Abbreviations preceded by an asterisk (*), other than Navy numbers, may never be used singly; those preceded by the symbol for number (#) are the Bureau of Personnel Condensation Code for use in dispatch orders to personnel.

D -- First letter in the Navy aircraft designation, indicating a drone plane

 D(No.) -- Commanding Officer (number) Destroyer Flotilla

 D -- Douglas Aircraft Company (manufacturer's symbol)

 D -- Droppable Fuel Tank (suffix to plane designation); as F4U-1D

 D -- Duty

 D -- McDonnell Aircraft Corporation (manufacturer's symbol)

 D -- Radioplane Company (manufacturer's symbol)

 D -- USNR officer designation for General Service, Deck Duties. Formerly (D).

 DA -- Defense Aid (Lend Lease) (appropriation title)

 DA -- Delayed Action

 DA -- Direct Action (Bomb Fuze)

 DA -- Double Acting

 DAA&AM -- Defense Aid (Lend Lease) Aircraft and Aeronautical Material

 DAAE -- Defense Aid (Lend Lease) Administration Expenses

 DAAI&OC -- Defense Aid (Lend Lease) Agricultural, Industrial and Other Commodities

 DABLC -- Director, Advanced Base Logistics Control

 DABOA -- Director, Advanced Base Office, Atlantic

 DABOP -- Director, Advanced Base Office, Pacific

 DAF&E -- Defense Aid (lend Lease) Facilities and Equipment

 DAGO -- District Aviation Gas Office

 DAM -- Damage

 DAMR(W) -- Director of Aircraft Maintenance and Repair (Washington)

 DAO -- District Accounting Office(r)

 DAO -- District Ammunition Office (Army)

 DAO -- District Aviation Office(r)

 DAO&OS -- Defense Aid (Lend Lease) Ordnance and Ordnance Stores

 DAS&E -- Defense Aid (Lend Lease) Services and Expenses

 DASF -- Defense Aid (Lend Lease) Special Fund

 DATO -- Disbursing and Transportation Office

 DAT&OV -- Defense Aid (Lend Lease) Tanks and Other Vehicles

 DATRDA -- Defense Aid (Lend Lease) Testing, Reconditioning etc. of Defense Articles

"Dauntless" -- See SBD-#

 DAV&OW -- Defense Aid (Lend Lease) Vessels and Other Watercraft

 Db -- Decibell (unit of measure)

 DB or D/B -- Dive Bomber Aircraft

 DBH -- Division Beachhead (Army)

 Dbl -- Double Reduction Gears

 DBSO -- District Base Service Office

 DC -- "Daisy Cutter"

 DC -- Deck Court

 DC -- Dental Corps

 DC -- Depth Charge (aerial)

 DC -- Direct Current

 DC -- District of Columbia

 DC -- USN officer designation for Dental Corps, USN

 DC -- Washington, D.C.

 DCA -- Defense Contre Avion (France)

 DCB -- Defense Communications Board

 DCC -- District Communications Center

 DCCAO -- Deputy Chief Civil Affairs Officer (US and GB)

 DCGO -- District Coast Guard Officer; DCGO, one, two, etc.: DCGO 1st, 2nd, etc. Naval District

 DCh -- Depth Charge

 DCh -- District Chaplain

 DCNO -- Deputy Chief of Naval Operations

 DCNS -- Deputy Chief of Naval Staff (USMC)

 DCO -- District Camouflage Office(r)

 DCO -- District Clothing Office(r)

 DCO -- District Communications Office(r)

 DCO -- Duty Cypher Officer (GB)

 DCO(I) -- Director of Combined Operations (India)

 DCO(ME) -- Director of Combined Operations (Middle East)

 DCofS -- Deputy Chief of Staff

 DCP -- Director of Civilian Personnel

 DCPB -- Departmental Civilian Personnel Branch

 DCPO -- District Civilian Personnel Office(r)

 DCR -- USNR officer designation for General Service, Dental Corps. Formerly DC.

 DCRO -- District Civil Readjustment Office(r)

 DCS -- USNR officer designation for Special Service, Dental Corps. Formerly DC(S).

 DC-V(G) -- USNR designation for dental officers qualified for general detail afloat or ashore. This classification was abolished in September 1944 and replaced by DC or DC(S).

 DC-V(S) -- USNR designation for dental officers qualified for specialist duties. This classification was abolished in September 1944 and replaced by DC or DC(S).

 DCW -- USNR officer designation for Women's Reserve, Dental Corps. Formerly DC(W).

 DD -- Destroyer

 DD -- Dishonorable Discharge

 DD -- Drydock

 DDAS (ET) -- Deputy Director of Armament Supply (Eastern Theatre)

 D-Day -- Day set for assault by land forces

 DDCO (I) -- Deputy Director fo Combined Operations (India)

 DDD -- Diesel direct drive

 DDGC -- Dishonorable Discharge, General Court Martial, after confinement in prison

 DDGI -- Dishonorable Discharge, General Court Martial, immediate

 DDGP -- Dishonorable Discharge, General Court Martial, after violation of probation

 DDO -- Destroyers, Disbursing Office

 DDO -- District Dental Office(r)

 DDODI -- Deputy Director Operation Division Irregular (British Admiralty)

 DDT -- Dichloro-Dophenyl-Trichloroethane; an insecticide

 DDTO -- District Domestic Transportation Office(r)

 DE -- Destroyer Escort

 DE -- Double-ended, cylindrical boiler

 DE -- USNR officer designation for General Service, Deck and Engineering Duties. Formerly (DE).

 Dec -- December

 Decca (QM) -- British Long Range Radio Aid to Navigation

 Decl -- Declared

 DEDD -- Diesel electric direct drive

*DEF -- Defense

 DefSec -- Defense Sector

 Deg -- Degree(s)

 Deg and Dep -- Degaussing and Deperming

 Deg Range -- Degaussing Range

 DEL -- Delaware

 Del -- Deliver(ed)

*DEL -- Delivery

#DELREP -- Authorized to delay (number of days indicated or until date indicated) in reporting in compliance with these orders, such delay to count as leave. Keep BuPers and new station advised address.

 DE-M -- USNR designation for Deck and Engineer Officers, Merchant Marine, qualified for Deck and Engineering or other appropriate duties. This classification was abolished in September 1944 and replaced by (DEM) or S(DEM).

 DEM -- USNR officer designation for General Service, Deck and Engineering, Merchant Marine. Formerly (DEM).

 DEM Bomb -- Demolition Bomb

 DEML -- Detached Enlisted Men's List (Army)

 DEMN -- USNR officer designation. See DEM and N. Formerly (DEM)-N.

 DEMO -- Demolition

 DEMOB -- Demobilization

 DEMR -- USNR officer designation. See DEM and R. Formerly (DEM)-R.

 DEMS School -- Defensively Equipped Merchant Ship School (British)

 DEMT -- USNR officer designation. See DEM and T. Formerly (DEM)-T.

 DEMX -- USNR officer designation. See DEM and X. Formerly (DEM)-X.

 DEN -- USNR officer designation. See DE and N. Formerly (DE)-N.

 DEO -- District Engineer Officer (Army)

 DEP -- Deposit

*DEP -- Depot

 DEPEND -- Allotment for support of dependents

 DepermSta -- Deperming and Flashing Station

 Dept -- Department

 DER -- USNR officer designation. See DE and R. Formerly (DE)-R.

 DERD -- Diesel electric reduction drive

 Des -- Desert(ed), Deserter, Desertion

*DES -- Destroyer

 DesAF -- Destroyers, Asiatic Fleet

 DesBatFor -- Destroyer Battle Force

 DescoFor -- Destroyer Scouting Force

 DesCruPac -- Destroyers/Cruisers, Pacific Fleet

 DesDiv -- Destroyer Division

 DES EFF -- Deserter's Effects

 DesFlot -- Destroyer Flotilla

 Desig -- Designate(d), Designation

#-DESIG -- To such (ship, station, or duty) as may be designated (type duty to precede phrase "DESIG"). For example, "LST DESIG" would read "To such LST as may be designated."

 Desig NAP -- Designated as Naval Aviation Pilot (USMC)

 DesLant -- Destroyers, Atlantic Fleet

 DESO -- District Educational Services Officer

 DESOIL -- Diesel Oil

 DesPac -- Destroyers, Pacific Fleet

 DesRep -- Destroyer Repair

 DesRep -- Destroyer Representative

 DesRon -- Destroyer Squadron

 DesSoWesPac -- Destroyers, Southwest Pacific Fleet

 DESTN -- Destination

 DET -- Absent on detached duty (serving with other than a naval activity)

 DET -- Long Hull, General Motors Tandem Diesel Drive

 DET -- USNR officer designation. See DE and T. Formerly (DE)-T.

*DET -- Detachment

*DET -- Detail

 Det d -- Detached duty

*DEV -- Development

"Devastator" -- See TBD-#

DE-V(G) -- USNR designation for deck and engineer officers qualified for general detail afloat or ashore. This classification was abolished in September 1944 and replaced by (DE)

 DE-V(S) -- USNR designation for deck and engineer officers qualified for specialist duties. This classification was abolished in September 1944 and replaced by one of the following: (D), (D)L, (E), (E)L, (DE), (S), S(E), or S(E) with proper numeral indicating particular specialty within engineering

 DEX -- USNR officer designation. See DE and X. Formerly (DE)-X.

*DEY -- Deputy

 DF -- Delay Fuse

 DF or D/F -- Direction Finder (radio)

 DFC -- Distinguished Flying Cross

 DFCO -- Duty Flying Control Officer

 DFSB -- Defense Force Section Base

 DFT -- Director, Fleet Training

 DG -- Degaussing

 DGD -- Diesel geared drive

 DG-MG -- Diesel geared-Motor geared

 DGO -- Degaussing Officer

 DGRO -- Degaussing Range Officer

 DGT -- Dental Technology General

 DGTO -- Degaussing Technical Officer

 DGWO -- Degaussing Wiping Officer

 DHIRS -- District Headquarters Induction and Recruiting Station (USMC)

 DHO -- District Historical Office(r)

 DHQ -- Division Headquarters (Army)

 DI -- District Inspector

 DI -- Drill Instructor (USMC)

 DIC -- Detailed Interrogation Center

 DI/ES -- Vessels disposed of by sinking, burning, abandoning or other means of destruction

 DIEGO -- San Diego, California

 DIES -- Diesel

 Dif -- Difference

 DIF -- Direction Finder (radio)

 DIF -- Duty involving flying

 DIFF PAY -- Difference in pay

 DI/FLC -- Vessels in Forward Areas transferred to State Department (Foreign Liquidation Corporation) for disposition

 DI/INT -- Vessels under cognizance of the Commandants Tenth and Fourteenth Naval Districts transferred to the Department of the Interior for disposition

 DIIO -- District Industrial Incentive Office(r)

 DIM -- District Industrial Manager

 DINA -- Direct noise amplifier (airborne radar transmitter)

 DINO -- Deputy Inspector of Naval Ordnance

 DIO -- District Intelligence Office(r)

*DIR -- Director

#DIRDET -- When directed by the commanding officer or commander designated, detached from duty indicated and from such other duty as may have been assigned.

 DIREC -- Direction

 DI/RET -- Vessels returned to their original owners

 DirLantDocks -- Director, Atlantic Division, Bureau of Yards and Docks

 DirNavHist -- Director of Naval History

 DIRO -- District Industrial Relations Officer; changed to District Labor Relations Office (DLRO) in 1943.

 DirPacDocks -- Director, Pacific Division, Bureau of Yards and Docks

 DIS -- Discharged

*DIS -- Dispatch

 DI/SAL -- Vessels disposed of by sale through Navy Material Redistribution Agency

*DISB -- Disbursing

 Disc -- Discontinue(d)

 DI/SCP -- Vessels disposed of by scrapping

 DISCREP -- Discrepancy report

 Disemb -- Disembark(ed)

 DIS GRAT -- Discharge gratuity

 Disp -- Dispatch

 Disp -- Dispensary

 Disp -- Disposal

*DIST -- District

 DISTRIB -- Distribution; Redistribution

 DI/TES -- Vessels disposed of by using as targets and tests

 DI/TRN -- Vessels transferred to other Government Agencies and miscellaneous activities

 DIV -- Deep Sea Diving

 DIV -- Diver

*DIV -- Division

 DivCom -- Division Commander

 DI/WSA -- Vessels transferred to War Shipping Administration--Maritime Comission for disposition

 DL -- Destroyer Leader

 DL -- USNR officer dsignation for Limited General Service, Deck Duties. Formerly (D)L.

 DLN -- USNR officer designation. See DL and N. Formerly (D)L-N.

 DLNC -- Deputy Local Naval Commander

 DLO -- District Legal Office(r)

 DLR -- USNR officer designation. See DL and R. Formelry (D)L-R.

 DLRO -- District Labor Relations Office(r)

 DLT -- Deck Landing Training

 DLT -- USNR officer designation. See DL and T. Formerly (D)L-T.

 DLTS -- Deck Landing Training School

 DLX -- USNR officer designation. See DL and X. Formerly (D)L-X.

 DM -- Adamsite

 DM -- Light Minelayer

 DM -- Master Diver

 DM -- USNR officer designation for General Service, Deck, Merchant Marine. Formerly (DM).

 D-M -- USNR designation for deck officers, Merchant Marine, commissioned and warrant, including boatswains, qualified for deck or appropriate administrative duties. This classification was abolished in September 1944 and replaced by (DM), (DM)L, or S(DM).

 DMI -- Directorate of Military Intelligence (British War Office)

 D-Minus 1, etc. -- D-day minus 1, 2, etc. days (before attack)

 DML -- USNR officer designation for Limited General Service, Deck, Merchant Marine. Formerly (DM)L.

 DMLN -- USNR officer designation. See DML and N. Formerly (DM)L-N.

 Dml O -- Demolition Officer (Army)

 DMLR -- USNR officer designation. See DML and R. Formerly (DM)L-R.

 DMLT -- USNR officer designation. See DML and T. Formerly (DM)L-T.

 DMLX -- USNR officer designation. See DML and X. Formerly (DM)L-X.

 DMN -- USNR officer designation. See DM and N. Formerly (DM)-N.

 DMO -- Directorate of Military Operations (GB)

 DMO -- District Marine Officer

 DMO -- District Material Officer

 DMO -- District Medical Officer

 DMP -- Disarmed military personnel

 DMR -- USNR officer designation. See DM and R. Formerly (DM)-R.

 DMS -- Mine Sweeper (converted DD)

 DMT -- USNR officer designation. See DM and T. Formerly (DM)-T.

 DMX -- USNR officer designation. See DM and X. Formerly (DM)-X.

 DN -- USNR officer designation. See D and N. Formerly (DN)-N.

 DNC -- Director of Naval Communications (changed to CNC, October 1945)

 DNI -- Director of Naval Intelligence

 DNI -- Directorate of Naval Intelligence (British Admiralty)

 DNI -- Division of Naval Intelligence

 DNOP -- Director fo Naval Officer Procurement

 DNP -- Reservists in drill non-pay status

 DNTS -- Director Naval Transportation Service; now, CNTS.

 DO -- Dental Officer

 DO -- Disbursing Officer

 DO -- Diver, First Class

 DO -- Duty Officer

 DO(No.) -- Radio controlled glider bomb carrier

*DOCKS -- Bureau of Yards and Docks

 DOD -- Died of disease

 DofS -- Depot of Supplies (USMC)

 DofS (W) -- Director of Stores (Washington)

 Dog -- "D" in the phonetic alphabet

 DOL -- Detached Officer's List (Army)

 DOL(S) -- Dollar(s)

 DOO -- District Operations Office(r)

 DOO -- District Ordnance Office(r)

"DOODLE BUG" -- Pilotless Flying Bomb (V-1)

 DOT -- Dictionary of Occupational Titles

"Double Wasp" -- Naval Aircraft engine, 18 cylinders, manufactured by Pratt and Whitney

 DOV -- Disbursing Officer's Voucher

 DP -- Dental Prosthetic Technician

 DP -- Department of the Pacific (USMC)

 DP -- By Direction of the President

 DP -- Displaced Persons

 DP -- Double Purpose Gun

 DPC -- Defense Plants Corporation

 DPD -- Director, Personnel Department (USMC)

 DPD -- District Port Director

 DPIO -- District Public Information Office(r)

 DPLO -- District Postal Liaison Officer

 D-plus 1, etc. -- D-Day plus 1, 2, etc. days (after attack)

 DPMC -- Director of Personnel Marine Corps

 DPO -- District Personnel Office(r)

 DPO -- District Postal Office(r)

 DPPO -- District Publications and Printing Office

 DPRO -- District Public Relations Office(r)

 DPT -- Dental Technology Prosthetic

 DPTO -- District Property Transportation Office(r)

 DPWO -- District Public Works Office(r)

 DQM -- Depot Quartermaster (USMC)

 DQN -- Depot Quartermaster, Naval Operating Base, Norfolk (USMC)

 DQP -- Depot Quartermaster, Philadelphia (USMC)

 DQPH -- Depot Quartermaster, Pearl Harbor (USMC)

 DQQ -- Depot Quartermaster, Quantico (USMC)

 DQR -- Depot Quartermaster, Richmond (USMC)

 DQSF -- Depot Quartermaster, San Francisco (USMC)

 D/R -- Dead Reckoning

 DR -- Destroyer (GB)

 DR -- Diesel Radial (aircraft engine)

 D/R -- Directional Radio

 D/R -- Dispatch Rider (USMC)

 Dr -- Drill

 DR -- USNR officer designation. See D and R. Formerly (D)-R.

 DRA -- Dead Reckoning Analyzer

 DrewUnit -- Shipping designator for assemblies scheduals to go to Europe for the Normandy invasion

 DRM -- Dental Repair Technician

 DRMO -- District Records Management Officer

 DRMAJ -- Drum Major (USMC)

 Drone -- Pilotless F6F "Hellcat"

 DRP -- Dead Reckoning Plotter

 DRT -- Dead Reckoning Tracer

 DRU -- Demolition Research Unit

 D/S -- Detached Service (Army)

 D/S -- Direct Support Army)

 DS -- Diver, Salvage

 DSA -- Division Service Area (Army)

 DSC -- Defense Supply Corporation

 DSC -- Distinguished Service Cross

 DSM -- Distinguished Service Medal

 DSO -- District Security Office(r)

 DSO -- District Service Office(r)

 DSO -- District Supply Office(r)

 DSR -- Duty Steam or Power Boat

 DSC -- Defense Supply Corporation

DSC -- Distinguished Service Cross

DSM -- Direction de Service de Securité Militaire (France)

DSM -- Distinguished Service Medal

DSO -- District Security Office(r)

DSO -- District Service Office(r)

DSO -- District Supply Office(r)

 DSSO -- District Ships Service Office(r)

 DST -- Dermatology and Syphilology Technician

 DT -- Diver, Second Class

 DT -- USNR officer designation. See D and T. Formerly (D)-T.

 DTB -- Destroyer Tactical Bulletin

 DTG -- Date time group

 Dtl -- Detail(ed)

 DtlAvr -- Detailed as Aviator (USMC)

 DTO -- District Training Office(r)

 DTO -- District Transportation Office(r)

#*DU -- Duty

"Duck" -- See J2F-3-5, JF-6

#DUCON -- Duty connection

#DUFLY -- For duty involving flying

#DUFLYTECH -- Duty involving flying as a technical observer

#DUFLYTECHNAV -- Duty involving flying as a technical observer non-pilot navigator

 DUKW -- Amphibious truck

 DUMBO -- Rescue Plane (usually PB type)

 DUPE -- Duplicate

 Dur -- During

 DUT -- Duplication Technician, Photolithography

 DUT -- Physically on board for duty in ship's company

#DUTOUT -- For duty outside the continental limits of the United States

 D-V(G) -- USNR designation for deck officers, commissioned and warrant, including boatswains, gunners, and torpedomen, qualified for general detail afloat or ashore. This classification was abolished in September 1944 and replaced by (D) or (D)L.

 D-V(S) -- USNR designation for deck officers, commissioned and warrant, including boatswains and ship's clerks, qualified for specialist duties. This classification was abolished in September 1944 and replaced by (D), (D)l, (S), or S with proper special designator suffix.

 DWA -- Died of wounds resulting from action with enemy.

 DWBO -- District War Bond Office(r)

 DWPO -- District War Plans Officer

 DWT -- Deadweight Tons

 DX -- USNR officer designation. See D and X. Formerly (D)-X.

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - ST - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Navy Numbers

Published: Mon Mar 09 10:22:58 EDT 2015