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Captain James Biddle, USN

LS dated 12 April 1828, from USS Boston at Montevideo. To William Tudor, Charge d' Affaires of the United States at Rio de Janeiro. Transmits a list of vessels that have entered and left that country "in spite of the blockade." (List not present.)

U.S. Ship Boston


12 April 1828

Dear Sir This answers it here with a
list duly certified of the vessels that
have entered the blockaded port
in support of the blockade, also a list
of vessels that have departed. I have
papers I presume will be useful if
it becomes necessary for you to fight
against the legality of the blockade.
I sent you some time ago under
cover to Wainwright other documenting

[page 2]

evidence upon the same subject.

I regret to learn from W Ferber that
you have been detained in Chile by
Yours with esteem
James Biddle

William Tudor Esquire
Charge de Affaires of the U. States
Rio Janeiro

[page 3]

Montevideo April 12th Com. Biddle
Rio Janeiro June 22?

Published: Tue Jan 06 10:37:48 EST 2015