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Adams, John A. "Sealift Is to Armor as Airlift Is to Airborne." Armor 51 (September/October 1992): 26-31.

Adelman, Kenneth. "The Significance of the Gulf War." World & I 6 (July 1991): 36-47.

Admire, John H. "The 3d Marines in Desert Shield." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (August 1991): 81-84. Part one of two parts.

_______. "The 3d Marines in Desert Storm." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (September 1991): 66-71. Part two of two.

Adolph, Robert B. "PSYOP: Gulf War Force Multiplier." Army 42 (December 1992): 16-22. Includes brief discussion of Marine Corps and Navy use of psychological operations against Iraq.

Ajami, Fouad. "Thief of Baghdad: A Passion Play." New Republic 203 (3 September 1990): 20-22. Saddam Hussein and Kuwait in the years before the 1990 invasion.

Albright, David, and Mark Hibbs. "Iraq and the Bomb: Were They Even Close?" Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 47 (March 1991): 16-25.

_______. "Hyping the Iraqi Bomb." Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 47 (March 1991): 26-28. How the media acted without adequate information about the threat of an Iraqi nuclear capability.

_______. "Iraq's Nuclear Hide-and-Seek." Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 47 (September 1991): 14-23. New information confirms Iraq's program to build a nuclear arsenal. Authors detail what Iraq was doing, technical limitations on its program, and shortfalls in U.S. reconnaissance.

Allen, Scott. "Soldiers at Sea (24th Infantry Division in Operation Desert Shield)." Soldiers 45 (November 1990): 18- 20.

"Allies Flying Over Iraq to Enforce U.N. Sanctions." Aviation Week & Space Technology 137 (31 August 1992): 26. Brief discussion of Operation Southern Watch.

al-Rumaihi, Muhammad. "Why Saddam Invaded Kuwait." Middle East International 387 (November 1990): 19-20.

Alves, Dora. "Gulf Crisis Rich in Maritime Lessons." Asia-

Pacific Defense Report 17 (November 1990): 13-14.

Amoss, W.J., Jr. "Desert Shield/Storm Ocean Shipping: Lykes Lines." Defense Transportation Journal 47 (June 1991): 69.

Anderson, Jennie. "Some Troops Won't Go." Progressive 55 (January 1991): 22-24. Conscientious objectors.

Antal, John. "The Sword of Saddam: An Overview of the Iraq Armed Forces." Armor 99 (November/December 1990): 8-12.

Armstrong, Charles L. "Early Observations on Desert Shield." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (January 1991): 34-36.

_______. "Surviving the Storm: Will We Learn the Right Lessons from the Gulf War?" Marine Corps Gazette 76 (March 1992): 40-41.

Armstrong, Douglas G. "The Gulf War's Patched-Together Air Intelligence." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 118 (November 1992): 109-111.

Arnett, Eric H. "Surgery with a Tomahawk." The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 46 (November 1990): 7, 47. Skeptical analysis of the accuracy and explosive power of sea- launched cruise missiles (SLCMs).

_______. "Awestruck Press Does Tomahawk PR." The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 47 (April 1991): 7-8. Success of SLCMs less than reported.

Arthur, Stanley R., and Marvin Pokrant. "Desert Storm at Sea." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (May 1991): 82-87. Overview of Navy's role in Desert Storm by commander of Central Command's Navy component.

Atwal, Kay, George Alan, and Joel Bainerman. "In the Eye of the Storm." Defence 22 (July 1991): 17-24. Review of Gulf states' military involvement in the war and their rearmament policies.

Atwal, Kay, and Michael J. Gething. "Through Sea, Sand and Storm." Defence 22 (September 1991): 15-22. Naval helicopters performed "a comprehensive range of vital tasks throughout the whole duration of the conflict."

Avella, J.R. "It's the 'M' Word: Mobilization." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (January 1991): 41-45. Discusses the complex process for involuntary recall of reservists; examines legal, political, and military aspects of mobilization.

Baker, Brent. "Desert Shield/Storm: The War of Words and Images." Naval War College Review 44 (Autumn 1991): 59-65. Impact of the media on the conduct of the war and its major U.S. players, by the Chief of Information, Navy Department.

_______. "Last One in the Pool . . ." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 118 (August 1991): 71-72. Lessons from media coverage of the war.

Barna, Tom D. "MPF Offload: No Longer a Paper Tiger." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (November 1991): 40-41. Maritime prepositioning successes and failures.

Barry, R.M., letter to Commanding General, 2d Marine Aircraft Wing. Marine Corps Gazette 76 (May 1992): 56. A lieutenant colonel recommends unknown Harrier pilots for Distinguished Flying Crosses for bravery at Khafji.

Bartlett, Henry C., and G. Paul Holman. "Global War Games & the Real World." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (February 1991): 25-29. Discusses of Naval War College Global Wargame 1990, which included an Iraqi invasion scenario.

Beck, Melinda, et al. "Our Women in the Desert." Newsweek 116 (10 September 1990): 22-25. "Never before have [women] served on such a large scale or in such a wide variety of jobs."

Bennett, Drew A. "Will the Next War Be Like the Last One?" Marine Corps Gazette 76 (March 1992): 37-39. Beware of false lessons.

Benz, Klaus G. "Mine Warfare at Sea." Armada International 14 (December- January 1990-91): 28-34.

Bermudez, Joseph S. "Iraqi Missile Operations During 'Desert Storm.'" Jane's Soviet Intelligence Review 3 (March 1991): 131-135.

Bien, Lyle G. "From the Strike Cell." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (June 1991): 58-60. Lessons learned in the air war.

Blackwell, James. "Initial Impression of the Logistics of Operation Desert Shield." Military Technology 14 (December 1990): 57-59, 61.

Blix, Hans. "Verification of Nuclear Nonproliferation: The Lesson of Iraq." The Washington Quarterly 15 (Autumn 1992): 57-65. The full extent of Iraq's nuclear program came to light after the war.

Boomer, Walter E. "A Great Success Story." The Officer (May 1992): 11-15. Marines in Desert Storm.

_______. "Special Trust and Confidence Among the Trail- Breakers." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (November 1991): 47-50. Interview with Lieutenant General Walter E. Boomer, USMC, Commander of the I Marine Expeditionary Force during Operation Desert Shield/Storm; discussion of Marine operations ashore.

Bossert, Phil. "Desert Shield: The Increasing Importance of Strategic Mobility." Airlift 12 (Fall 1990): 3-4.

Bottoms, Albert M. "Desert Shield and the Acquisition Manager: Some Aspects of Planning and Sustainment." Program Manager 20 (January-February 1991): 8-13.

Brabham, James A. "Training, Education Were the Keys." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (November 1991): 51-54. Interview with Brigadier Marine Corps General Brabham, commander of 1st Force Service Support Group during Operation Desert Shield/Storm; insights on overall Marine logistics.

Brame, William L. "From Garrison to Desert Offensive in 97 Days." Army 42 (February 1992): 28-35. Moving the VII Corps from Europe.

Braunbeck, M.C. "Front-line Lessons." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (May 1991): 90-91. Discusses amphibious operations, naval gunfire support, battle damage assessment, mine warfare, and "the unconventional threat."

Braybrook, Roy. "War in the Air: Was There Overkill?" Asia-Pacific Defense Reporter (April 1991): 9-10.

Brennan, Tom. "Reconnoitering the Desert." Naval Aviation News 73 (September-October 1991): 17. Contribution of Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadrons to the war.

Brooks, Richard, Skip Hiser, and T.K. Hohl. "If It Was There, P- 3s Found It." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 118 (August 1991): 41-43. P-3 Orions logged 4,400 hours of flight time in the Gulf War.

Brown, David K., and David Foxwell. "MCM and the Threat Beneath the Surface." International Defense Review 24 (July 1991): 735-738.

Brown, Robert D. "Mobilizing the Individual Ready Reserve." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (September 1991): 43-44. Marine Corps Reserve activation went smoothly.

Brown, Ronald J. "Historical Training Unit Proves Mettle in Desert Storm." Fortitudine 21 (Summer 1991): 9-11. A member of Marine Corps Mobilization Training Unit describes the work of Reserve field historians in the Persian Gulf.

Brown, Ronald J. "Marine Forces Afloat in Southeast Asia, 1990- 1991." Marine Corps Gazette 76 (November 1992): 60-63. Overview of the Marines in the Gulf War and its aftermath.

Buenneke, Richard H., Jr. "Lifting the Fog of War." Government Executive 23 (February 1991): 20-24. Command and control systems.

Bundy, McGeorge. "Nuclear Weapons and the Gulf." Foreign Affairs 70 (Fall 1991): 83-94.

Bunn, Matther. "A Persian Gulf War to Stop an Iraqi Bomb?" Arms Control Today 20 (December 1990): 23, 26. Analysis of Iraq's nuclear program and the political implications of using military force to disrupt it.

Burgess, Richard R. "Desert Shield CV Force to Double." Naval Aviation News 73 (January-February 1991): 4-5.

_______. "Orions of Arabia: Patrol Squadrons in Desert Shield/Storm." Naval Aviation News 73 (September- October 1991): 14-16.

Burgess, Richard R., et al. "Naval Air Storms the Desert." Naval Aviation News 73 (March-April 1991): 4-6. Review of Navy and Marine Corps aircraft operations early in Desert Storm.

Bush, George. "Why We Are in the Gulf." Newsweek 116 (26 November 1990): 28-29. Guest essay.

Butterworth, Gary W. "Where Were the Navy Images?" U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 118 (August 1991): 73-76. Critique of Navy Combat Camera.

Canan, J.W. "Airpower Opens the Fight." Air Force Magazine 74 (March, 1991): 16-20.

_______. "The Electronic Storm." Air Force 74 (June 1991): 26-32. Electronic warfare systems made a big difference in the Gulf War.

Canby, Thomas Y. "After the Storm." National Geographic 180 (August 1991): 2-35. Photographic essay featuring illustrations of Kuwaiti oil well fires.

Cancain, Mark F. "Marine Corps Reserve Forces in Southwest Asia." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (September 1991): 35-36. Lessons learned from mobilizing Marine Reserves for Desert Shield/Storm.

Caporale, Louis G. "Marine Corps Historical Notes From the Gulf War." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (December 1991): 44-47. Marine Corps "firsts" during Desert Shield/Storm.

Capps, Alan. "Smart Weapons for a Desert War." Defense & Diplomacy 9 (March/April 1991): 8-11.

_______. "Brute Force in the Gulf." Defense & Diplomacy 9 (May/June 1991): 24-27. "The clearest lesson of the Persian Gulf War is that the best technology will win in future conflicts--if used right."

Carter, E.W., III. "Blockade." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 16 (November 1990): 42-47. Places the blockade of Iraq in historical perspective by describing eight previous naval blockades.

"The Celebration Begins." The Coast Guard Reservist 38 (April 1991), 4-10. U.S. Coast Guard personnel return home from the Persian Gulf.

"CG Reservists Called Up to Assist in Middle East Loadout." The Coast Guard Reservist 37 (October 1990), 4-9.

Chenoweth, H. Avery. "Leader Reviews Combat Art Team's Success in Gulf War." Fortitudine 20 (Spring 1991): 12-15. The Field Coordinator for the Marine Corps Combat Art Program reviews its success.

Ciampi, Antonio. "Italy and the Gulf War." Navy International 96 (February 1991): 43-45. The Italian navy's contribution.

Cimock, John D. "Reserve Engineers Activated for War." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (September 1991): 45-46.

Claborn, David M. "Pest Control in the Desert." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (August 1991): 56-58.

Cobb, Calvin H., Jr. "On the Scene, In Force." Sea Power 34 (March 1991): 5-6. President of the Navy League examines manpower and budgetary lessons from the war.

Cockburn, Alexander. "Beat the Devil." The Nation 253 (8 July 1991): 42-43. Description of U.S. weapons.

Collar, Leo L. "Desert Storm and Its Effect on U.S. Maritime Policy." Defense Transportation Journal 47 (June 1991): 67-68.

Collins, John M. "Options in the Middle East." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 116 (October 1990): 119-122. Policy alternatives for the allies and Iraq.

Collins, Joseph J. "Desert Storm and the Lessons of Learning." Parameters 22 (Autumn 1992): 83-95. True and false lessons from the war.

Colvard, C.E. "Unfortunately, We Fought Like We Trained." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (September 1991): 20-21. Attributes intelligence problems to poor training.

Cook, Nick, et al. "Iraq: A Special Report." Jane's Soviet Intelligence Review 2 (October 1990): 434-449. Analyzes equipment and capabilities of the Iraqi armed forces.

Corddry, Charles W. "Even as Navy Builds Up Its Middle East Forces, a Drastic Build Down is Being Eyed by Planners." Sea Power 34 (January 1991): 2-4.

_______. "A Time of 'Extreme Turbulence and Uncertainty' Lies Ahead for the Navy." Sea Power 35 (January 1992): 2-11. Postwar cuts in naval forces.

Correll, John. "Let's Hear It for the Loggies." Air Force 74 (August 1991): 7. Editorial on successful combat logistics.

Covey, Dana C. "Offering a Helping Hand in Iraq." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 118 (May 1992): 106-109. Describes the Navy's role in explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) and in humanitarian medical assistance in southern Iraq.

Coyne, James P. "A Strike By Stealth." Air Force 75 (March 1992): 38-44. Follows Air Force Major Gregory A. Feest, "the F-117 pilot who dropped the first bomb," and surveys other air activity on 17 January 1991, including Navy Tomahawk missiles and F/A-18 aircraft.

Craig, C.J.S. "Gulf War: The Maritime Campaign." RUSI Journal 137 (August 1992): 11-16. Overview by Commander British Naval Forces Gulf.

Cronin, William R. "C3I During the Air War in South Kuwait." Marine Corps Gazette 76 (March 1992): 34-36. Tactical aviation under a Joint Force Air Component Commander (JFACC).

Cruger, J. King. "Keeping the Clamps on Iraq." All Hands 69 (April 1992): 7-15. Postwar maritime interception operations in the Red Sea.

Cummings, W. Beaman. "Around the World to the STORM." Marine Corps Gazette 76 (May 1992): 57-59. Marine pilot recalls first night of the air campaign.

Cushman, John H. "Command and Control in the Coalition." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (May 1991): 74-80. How allied sea, air, and land operations were organized under Schwarzkopf.

_______. "Joint, Jointer, Jointest." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 118 (May 1992): 78-85. Operation Provide Comfort.

Danielson, M.W. "Reserve C-9s Support the Gulf War." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 118 (January 1992): 89-90.

Decker, Michael H. "Assessing the Intelligence Effort." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (September 1991): 22-23. Marine intelligence successes during Desert Storm.

Delery, Tom. "Away, the Boarding Party!" U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (May 1991): 65-71. The Multinational Maritime Interception Force in enforcing the embargo of Iraq.

"Desert Diary: After the Storm." The Coast Guard Reservist 38 (September/October 1991), 12-14. Brief pieces on U.S. Coast Guard activities in the Gulf during and after Desert Storm.

"Desert Shield." Soldiers 45 (November 1990): 6-20. Special issue describes impact of Reserve mobilization, life on board Military Sealift Command ships, and work in the Saudi desert.

"Desert Shield, Getting There." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 116 (October 1990): 99-106. Lists U.S. forces deployed to date.

"Desert Shield: Our Line in the Sand." Army 40 (October 1990): 40-43. Synopsis of the initial buildup.

"Desert Shield: The Army's Response to the Middle East Crisis." Soldiers 45 (October 1990): 22-36. Special issue on deployment of Army troops on board Navy transport ships, reserve activation, family farewells.

"Desert Shield: The Forces." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (January 1991): 83-84. Lists U.S. forces deployed to date.

"Desert Shield Update." The Coast Guard Reservist 38 (January 1991), 4-9. U.S. Coast Guard role in Desert Shield, both at home and in the Persian Gulf.

"Desert Storm: Ethnic Representation in Desert Storm Forces; Age of Desert Storm Active Duty Forces." Defense 91 (September/October 1991): 59.

"Desert Storm: In the Wake of the Storm" (Special Edition). Surface Warfare 16 (May/June 1991): 2-23. Overview of the Navy's role in Desert Shield and Desert Storm.

"Desert Storm's First Purple Heart." Navy Medicine 82 (January/February 1991): 11.

Di Rita, Larry. "Exocets, Air Traffic, and the Air Tasking Order." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 118 (August 1992): 59-63. Aegis cruisers in Desert Shield and Desert Storm; critique of the Air Tasking Order.

Donovan, Francis R. "Surge and Sustainment." Sea Power 33 (November 1990): 39-45. Initial deployment of sealift ships. Based on testimony by Vice Admiral Francis R. Donovan, commander of Military Sealift Command during the war, before House Merchant Marine Subcommittee on 26 September 1990.

_______. "Test of Sealift Planning for MSC." Defense Transportation Journal 47 (June 1991): 60-62. The Gulf War tested sealift planning.

Dougherty, William A. "Storm from Space." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 118 (August 1992): 48-52. Space- generated imagery and Global Positioning System in Desert Shield and Desert Storm.

Duncan, Stephen M. "Reserve Force Posture Attests to Readiness." The Officer 67 (February 1991): 28-32. Role of reserves in Desert Shield.

_______. "Reserves, Employers and the Gulf War." Defense/91 (January/February 1991): 2-3, 6-7.

Dunn, Robert F. "Early Gulf War Lessons." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (March 1991): 25.

_______. "After the Storm." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (June 1991): 60-61. Air war lessons learned.

Endacott, Steve. "Desert Storm Report." Wings of Gold 16 (Spring 1991): 28-31, 68-69. Performance of Navy aviation during the Gulf war.

Eschel, David. "Rape of Kuwait: First Assessments." Military Technology 14 (September 1990): 92-94.

_______. "Fighting Under Desert Conditions." Marine Corps Gazette 74 (November 1990): 40-44. General aspects of desert warfare.

Evans, David. "With the Army and Air Force." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (June 1991): 62-64.

_______. "From the Gulf." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (January 1991): 77-80. Impressions of military operations in Saudi Arabia during the first four months of Desert Shield.

Evans, Frank. "Princeton Leaves the War." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 July 1991): 70-72. Account of Princeton striking an Iraqi mine on 18 February 1991, based on commanding officer's recollection.

Ewers, Norman G. "A Conversation With LtGen Royal N. Moore, Jr." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (October 1991): 44-49. Marine close-air support during Desert Storm.

"Eye of the 'Storm'." The Coast Guard Reservist 38 (February/March 1991), 10-13. Overview of U.S. Coast Guard in Desert Shield and Desert Storm.

Fedele, Karen. "The Seabees Go to War." Navy Civil Engineer 30 (Summer 1991): 3-12.

Fitzgerald, Carmond C. "The Coast Guard Patrols the Persian Gulf." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (April 1991): 100-101. Coast Guard Port Security Units (PSUs) in the Persian Gulf.

Fitzgerald, Mary C. "The Soviet Military and the New Technological Operation in the Gulf." Naval War College Review 44 (Autumn 1991): 16-43. A look at the military- technical "revolution" from the perspective of the Soviets, with ample citations from Russian-language publications on the Gulf war.

Fowler, William. "Facing the NBC Threat." Defence Training and Simulation 1 (January 1991): 11-13. Chemical warfare training and equipment.

Foxwell, David. "Operational Lessons: Contending With Iraq's Patrol Boats." International Defense Review 24 (May 1991): 466.

Frank, Benis M. "Historians, Artists Record Events in the Middle East War." Fortitudine 20 (Winter 1990-1991): 12-14. Documentation of Marine activities by command historical programs, Reserve historians, and artists.

Frederick, T.J., and P.N. Nagy. "So Where Were All the RO/ROs?" U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 118 (May 1992): 124-127. Performances of the Fast Sealift Ships (SL-7 class) and other roll-on/roll-off (RO/RO) ships used during Desert Storm; lessons for design and acquisition of new RO/ROs.

Freedman, Lawrence, and Efraim Karsh. "How Kuwait Was Won: Strategy in the Gulf War." International Security 16 (Fall 1991): 5-41. Examines the opportunities and the objectives of both the coalition and Iraq.

Friedman, Norman. "The Air Campaign." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (April 1991): 49-50. Discusses strengths and weaknesses of U.S. aircraft performance, especially electronics and weapons capabilities.

Froggett, Steve. "Tomahawk in the Desert." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 118 (January 1992): 71-75. Describes effectiveness and limitations of sea-launched cruise missiles in the Gulf war.

Fuchs, William. "Sealift Ships Play Major Role in Desert Storm." Defense Transportation 47 (April 1991): 10-12.

Gagner, Wayne P. "Black Art Electronics Systems Prove Merit in Gulf Air War." Signal 45 (April 1991): 26-30. Review of Navy, Army, Air Force, and allied electronics warfare systems used in Desert Storm.

Gander, Terry. "Iraq: Chemical Warfare Potential." Jane's Soviet Intelligence Review 2 (October 1990): 441.

George, Alan. "Sanctions Were Starting to Bite." Middle East 196 (February 1991): 9.

Gething, Michael J. "Strike Hard, Strike Sure." Defence 20 (March 1991): 19-25. Detailed description of U.S. and allied strike bombers used in Desert Storm.

Giaque, Michael S. "SEALing Iraq's Fate." Surface Warfare 17 (January/February 1992): 22-23. Highlights combat operations of SEAL teams: harbor patrol, mine countermeasures, combat search and rescue, seizure of platforms and vessels, enemy prisoner of war recovery.

Gibson, Andrew E., and William Calhoun. "Barely in Time: The Successful Struggle to Create the Transportation Command." Naval War College Review 43 (Autumn 1990): 72-80.

Gibson, Andrew E., and Jacob L. Shuford. "Desert Shield and Strategic Sealift." Naval War College Review 44 (Spring 1991): 6-19. What worked and what did not in sealift performance during Desert Shield. See also response by Kenneth Estes in Naval War College Review 45 (Winter 1992): 103-105.

Gilbert, Douglas. "'Logistics Lifeline' Sustaining Desert Shield." Airman 34 (November 1990): 22-23.

Goldstein, Mark. "Heavy Armor Navigates From (Fort Hood) Texas to the Gulf." Government Executive 22 (November 1990): 39-42.

Golik, Richard. "Thunder in the Gulf." Defense & Diplomacy 8 (November/December 1990): 12-20. Profile of the Gulf states.

Goodman, Glenn W., and John G. Roos. "An Exclusive AFJI Interview with Lt. Gen. Walter Boomer, USMC, Commanding General, Marine Corps Combat Development Command." Armed Forces Journal International 130 (August 1992): 38-41. Central Command's Marine component commander talks about mines, intelligence operations, Marine aviation, and jointness.

Graham, Paul. "Maritime Prepositioning Enters the 1990s." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings (June 1991): 82-84. Maritime Prepositioning Ship unloading operations.

Graz, Liesl. "Iraqi Sabres Rattle in the Gulf." Middle East International 381 (August 1990): 3-5.

Green, Bill, Larry Brown, Ralph Arquette, and Sue Flores. "Two Steps Ahead." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (May 1991): 97-99. The Marine Corps doctrine behind the victory.

Green, E.J. "Desert Storm." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (December 1991): 75-78. Navy field medical support.

Gross, Richard. "Iraqi and Kuwaiti Controversy." Aerospace and Defense Science 9 (September/October 1990): 13.

"Gulf War Artists Continue Tradition." Marine Corps Gazette 76 (May 1992): insert. Marine Corps artists' paintings.

"Gulf War: Assessing the Victory." Aviation Week & Space Technology (22 April 1991): 38-109. Review feature with 23 articles on different aspects of military aviation and space technology in the war.

"The Gulf War: George Bush Leads the Allies to a Military and Moral Victory." Time (11 March 1991): 18-68. Special issue on how the war was won, and its immediate after- effects.

"The Gulf War In Review." International Defense Review 24 (May 1991): 451-481. Part I of a three part series, this feature comprises several short articles, including pieces on the Tomahawk and Iraqi patrol boats.

"The Gulf War In Review: Part II." International Defense Review 24 (July 1991): 735-746. Includes short pieces on mine countermeasures and lessons from the Princeton incident.

"The Gulf War In Review: Part III." International Defense Review 24 (September 1991): 979-994. Includes articles on commanding a carrier battlegroup, Iraqi defenses, and logistics.

Hackworth, David H. "'Friendly Fire' Casualties." Marine Corps Gazette 76 (March 1992): 46-47.

_______. "War and the Second Sex." Newsweek 118 (5 August 1991): 24-27.

Haley, P. Edward. "Saddam Surprises the United States: Learning from "The Revolution of August 2." Armed Forces & Society 22 (Winter 1995/96): 159-85. Critique of U.S. policy toward Iraq before the invasion of Kuwait.

Harper, Gilbert S. "The Logistics Challenge of Desert Storm." The Retired Officer Magazine (July 1991): 31-36.

Harris, William H. "MPF Loadout Completed." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (November 1991): 36-39. Postwar reconstitution of the Maritime Prepositioning Ships.

Haselkorn, Avigdor. "Underestimating Saddam: Why Were the U.S. and Israel Surprised?" Global Affairs 5 (1990): 1-25.

Hashim, Ahmed. "Iraq, the Pariah State." Current History 91 (January 1992): 11-16. A significant proportion of Iraq's military power survived the war.

Hastings, Roberta. "There--When Needed." The Officer 67 (April 1991): 12-13. Marine Reserves in the Gulf.

Hayden, H.T., and G.I. Wilson. "The Tail That Wags the Dog." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 116 (October 1990): 51-53. Logistics.

Hein, Steven L. "Coasties in the Persian Gulf." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 116 (November 1990): 118-119. U.S. Coast Guard Mobile Training Team and the Qatari coast guard.

Herold, Brent, et al. "Operation Desert Shield: Logistics Considerations for Sustained Deployment." Logistics Spectrum 25 (Spring 1991): 5-9. Addresses the Navy's distance problems and Military Sealift Command's manning and ship- type problems.

Hessman, James, and Vincent Thomas. "The Key Word is 'Ready': Interview with Maritime Administrator Warren G. Leback." Sea Power (May 1991): 9-15.

Hewish, Mark. "Tomahawk Enhances Navy Role in Land Warfare." International Defense Review 24 (May 1991): 458.

Hibbs, Russell. "Steady As You Go." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (February 1991): 30-35. Ballistic missiles in modern war; includes a table showing the type, range, and payload of ballistic missiles deployed by Mideast countries.

Hickman, William F. "Confrontation in the Gulf: Unintended Consequences." Naval War College Review 44 (Winter 1991): 49-61. Argues that Saddam's invasion changed the relationships among Gulf nations and the West irrevocably.

Hoffman, F.G. "First Impressions About the Persian Gulf Crisis: An Example of Enduring Realities." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (February 1991): 28-30. Comments on force structure, strategic mobility, and use of Reserves.

Hogg, James R. "Judging Our Success." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (May 1991): 100. Reasons why the coalition won.

Holland, W.J. "Put Brass on the Tube!" U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (April 1991): 48. Television and Global Positioning System in the Gulf.

Holzbauer, Joseph R. "Combat G-1: New Perspectives from the Desert War." Marine Corps Gazette 76 (August 1992): 89-93.

Hoffman, F.G. "First Impressions About the Persian Gulf Crisis: An Example of Enduring Realities." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (February 1991): 28-30.

Hopgood, M.T., Jr. "Experience: Handle with Care." U.S. Naval Insitute Proceedings 117 (October 1991): 81-82. Lessons.

Hopkins, John I. "This Was No Drill." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (November 1991): 58-62. Interview with Major General Hopkins, USMC, Commander 7th Marine Expeditionary Brigade and Deputy Commander I Marine Expeditionary Force during Operation Desert Shield/Storm; insights on battlefield intelligence, defense of Saudi Arabia, and equipment performance.

Horner, Charles A. "Desert Shield/Desert Storm: An Overview." Air Power History 38 (Fall 1991): 5-9. By Central Command's Air Force component commander.

Howard, Patricia L. "High-Tech Load-Out for USMC." Sea Power 34 (November 1991): 37-38. Role of new Marines Corps' computer- aided logistics system in Desert Shield/Storm.

Huddleston, Craig S. "Commentary on Desert Shield." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (January 1991): 32-33. Early lessons learned.

Hull, Peter. "We Own the Night." Air Combat 19 (October 1991): 28-41. USS Ranger Carrier Air Wing Two team.

Hyde, James. "'Layberthed' Hospital Ships Finally on the Move." Armed Forces Journal International 128 (October 1990): 21.

Inman, Bobby, Joseph Nye, William Perry, and Roger Smith. "Lessons From the Gulf War." The Washington Quarterly 15 (Winter 1992): 57-74.

"Iraq: Meeting Saddam's Challenge." Armor 99 (November-December 1990): 5-27. Special issue with an overview of the Iraqi armed forces, army operations, main battle tanks, and fighting under desert conditions.

"Iraqi Naval Threat Now 'Ineffective'." Jane's Defence Weekly 15 (9 February 1991): 168.

Jacobi, Friedrich. "Mine Counter-Measures in the Persian Gulf: A German View." Naval Forces 3 (July/August 1991): 59-64, 68-69. Mine warfare support provided by German navy.

Jacobs, Gordon. "Arabian Gulf Navies in Crisis." Navy International 95 (October 1990): 343-349. Review of the naval forces of Gulf nations.

_______. "Desert Shield Sealift." Navy International 95 (November 1990): 387-390.

_______. "Desert Storm Naval Air War." Navy International 96 (April 1991): 110-115.

_______. "U.S. Naval Airpower in the Gulf Crisis." Navy International 95 (October 1990): 350-353.

Jenkins, Harry W. "Interview." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 118 (May 1992): 120-127. Commander Task Force 158 describes deployment of U.S. Marine amphibious forces off Kuwait, and their role in fixing Iraqi troops in defensive positions.

Johar, Hasan, and Gawdat Bahgat. "View From Kuwait: Oil and Democracy: The American Dilemma in the Persian Gulf Region." Comparative Strategy 14 (April-June 1995): 173-83. A view of post Desert Storm U.S. policy in the Persian Gulf region.

Johnson, Hansford. "Gen. Hansford Johnson: Moving a Billion Pounds to the Middle East." Government Executive 22 (October 1990): 68. Johnson was head of the U.S. Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM).

_______. "Managing Change in Defense Transportation." Defense Transportation Journal 46 (December 1990): 10-11. Implications of Desert Shield for defense transportation.

_______. "Sealift is Our Bedrock." Defense/91 (March/April 1991): 30. Based on remarks to Maritime Trades Department on 15 February 1991.

Jones, Ernest S. "MPS and Desert Storm." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (August 1991): 47-50. Maritime Prepositioning Ship maintenance.

Jones, James L. "Operation Provide Comfort: Humanitarian and Security Assistance in Northern Iraq." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (November 1991): 98-107.

Jones, Robert A. "Firefight at Hamaltyat." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (June 1991): 30-32. Marine-Iraqi infantry battle fought 21-22 January 1991.

Kane, Joel P. "Night Vision Goggles and Desert Storm." Marine Corps Gazette 76 (February 1992): 42-43.

Kaplan, Robert D. "Tales From the Bazaar." Atlantic Monthly (August 1992): 37-61. Provides context for U.S. policy toward Iraq on the eve of the invasion of Kuwait.

Karr, Kennard G., and Richard G. Terao. "Ammunition Retrograde from SWA." Ordnance 9 (May 1992): 44-47. Redeployment of Army ammunition after Desert Storm.

Karsh, Efraim, and Inari Rautsi. "Why Saddam Hussein Invaded Kuwait." Survival 33 (January/February 1991): 18-30.

Keene, Renaldo R. "Dealing with the Media." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 118 (August 1991): 67-70. Military view of media coverage during the war.

Kelley, P.X. "The Amphibious Warfare Strategy." Proceedings 112 (January 1986 special supplement): 18-29. Unclassified summary of the amphibious portion of the Maritime Strategy.

Kelso, Frank B. "Charting a Course for the Future." Sea Power 34 (April 1991): 13-16. Summary of the Navy's role in the Gulf War and discussion of its future.

Kershaw, Charles W. "Reconnaissance Battalion: Eyes and Ears in the Desert." Marine Corps Gazette 76 (April 1992): 95-96.

Kesteloot, Robert. "Sealift After the Storm: A Plan to Revitalize the U.S.-Flag Fleet." Sea Power 34 (June 1991): 37-41.

Keys, William M. "Rolling with the 2d Marine Division." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (November 1991): 77-80. Interview with Commanding General 2d Marine Division during Desert Shield and Desert Storm provides insights on ground war.

Kidd, Isaac C. "Gulf Crisis is Reinforcing Lessons of Maritime History." Sea Power 34 (January 1991): 46-48.

Kiernan, V. "Guidance From Above in the Gulf War." Science 251 (1 March 1991): 1012-1014. Describes Navstar Global Positioning System satellites, which facilitated navigation for cruise missiles, mine countermeasures vessels, and artillery.

Kitfield, James. "Dash to the Desert: Lifeline Across the Seas." Government Executive 22 (November 1990): 26-28.

_______. "Navy Blues." Government Executive 24 (April 1992): 28-34. Naval aviation in the Gulf War, jointness, and postwar reduction of the Navy.

Klare, M.T. "Behind Desert Storm: The New Military Paradigm." Technology Review 94 (May/June 1991): 28-36. Posits that Pentagon will model future warfighting doctrine for "mid- intensity conflict" against well- armed Third World countries.

Korb, Lawrence J. "The Erosion of American Naval Preeminence, 1962-1978," in Kenneth J. Hagan, In Peace and War: Interpretations of American Naval History, 1775-1978. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1978. An overview of one of the Navy's periodic "dark ages."

Krulak, Charles C. "CSS in the Desert." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (October 1991): 22-25. Overview of decisionmaking and logistical preparation for the ground war.

_______. "A War of Logistics." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (November 1991): 55-57. Interview with commander of 2d Force Service Support Group during Desert Shield and Desert Storm; the logistics of breaching the "Saddam Line."

"Kuwait Rewards Allies." International Defense Review 25 (September 1992): 803. Kuwaiti navy rearms with French-built vessels.

Landersman, S.D. "Will Hussein Use Gas?" U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (February 1991): 84-87. History of the use of chemical weapons over the past 150 years casts doubt on whether Saddam Hussein could use these weapons effectively against U.S. and allied troops.

LaPlante, J.B. "The Path Ahead for Gators and Marines." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 118 (November 1992): 34-38. Includes some discussion of amphibious forces in the Gulf War.

Larson, Tricia. "Massive Build-Up In Persian Gulf Matter of Record." The Officer 67 (November 1991): 12-14. Describes work by naval reservists from the Naval Historical Center during the war, including combat art, oral histories, and other historical documentation.

Lawrence, W. "Interview." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (March 1991): 30-31. Insights on being a prisoner of war.

Legg, William E. "Reserve (Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard) Sails Into Action." The Officer 66 (October 1990): 20-23.

_______. "Sealift Supports 'Shield' and 'Storm'--'All Hands' Pitch In." The Officer 67 (March 1991): 51-53.

Lehenbauer, Dale L. "Navigation Technology in the Persian Gulf." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (August 1991): 50-51. Global Positioning System and Position Location Reporting System performances.

Liebmann, J.E. "The Cost of Things." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (January 1991): 81-82. Essay on the financial cost of Desert Shield.

Lenton, H.T. "Maritime Aspects of Desert Shield." Navy International 95 (November 1990): 396-398.

Less, Anthony A., and Pat King. "Operation Desert Shield." Wings of Gold 15 (Winter 1990): 26-33. Survey of naval aviation in early stages of Gulf crisis.

_______. "Desert Shield 1990." Wings of Gold 15 (Winter 1990): 26-36. Carrier operations in the Northern Arabian Sea, Gulf of Oman, and Persian Gulf during Desert Shield.

Leventon, Bill. "'Jam Sessions' Prove Their Worth in the Gulf War: Radar Jamming Systems Take Away the Enemy's Eyes and Ears." Design News 47 (22 April 1991): 19-20. Describes electronic warfare equipment on board EA-6B Prowler and EF- 111A Raven aircraft.

Liebman, Marc E. "Navy Tankers Are Needed Now!" U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 118 (September, 1991): 82-85. The Gulf War pointed up the inadequacy of naval aerial tankers.

Liebmann, J.E. "The Cost of Things." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (January 1991): 81-83. The net added cost of Desert Shield was less than many believe.

Linn, Thomas C. "The Imperatives of Future Conflict." Sea Power 33 (10 October 1990): 39-45. Deficiencies of U.S. strategic mobility exposed by Desert Shield.

"Loadout." Bulletin. (October 1990), 2-7. Feature comprising several short articles on Coast Guard mobilization for Desert Shield and its role in overseeing security for sealift ships.

Lok, Joris Janssen. "Fighting to Communicate: The USN's Biggest Problem." Jane's Defence Weekly 15 (13 April 1991): 586.

_______. "Picking Up a Bargain." Jane's Defence Weekly 17 (4 April 1992): 568-569. Four of six corvettes, once bound for Iraq, were being fitted for export.

Luti, William J. "Battle of the Airwaves." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 118 (January 1992): 49-55. Suppression of enemy air defenses during Desert Storm.

Luttwak, Edward N. "Victory Through Air Power." Commentary 92 (August 1991): 27-30.

MacDonald, Scot, et al. "Desert Storm: Rounding Up the Storm." Surface Warfare 16 (July/August 1991): 8-17. Highlights of Navy surface ship actions.

Mackenzie, Richard. "Iran Resurgent." Air Force Magazine 75 (July 1992): 78-81. Iran acquires a new navy.

McKillip, J.D. "Iraqi Strategy During the Gulf War: An Alternative Viewpoint." Military Review 75 (September-October 1995): 46-51. Secondary-source-based speculation.

Margelletti, Andrea. "Special Operations in the Desert." Military Technology 15 (April 1991): 62.

"Marine Artists Capture the Gulf War on Canvas." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (August 1991): special section. Works by Marine combat artists.

Martin, James M. "We Still Haven't Learned." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (July 1991): 64-68. The Tripoli and Princeton incidents indicate that the Navy was unprepared for mine warfare.

Mathieson, Greg E. "Interview." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (March 1991): 33-34. Photographing Marines.

Maynes, Charles W. "'Dateline Washington' A Necessary War?" Foreign Policy 82 (Spring 1991): 159-177. Editor of Foreign Policy argues that the United States went to war for oil, order, security, and Israel.

Mazzara, Andrew F. "Artillery in the Desert, 1991: Report #1." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (April 1991): 53-55. First of three-part series on operations and lessons of Marine artillery in the war.

_______. "Artillery in the Desert, 1991: Report #2." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (June 1991): 35-36.

_______. "Artillery in the Desert, 1991: Report #3." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (July 1991): 34-35.

_______. "Supporting Arms in the Storm." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (November 1991): 41-45. Analyzes contributions of various fire support arms during Desert Storm.

McMichael, William H. "'Deforger': Europe to the Desert." Soldiers 46 (February 1991): 21-24. Account of movement of European-based U.S. soldiers and their equipment to Saudi Arabia.

Melson, Charles D. "Historical Stock-Taking Heats Up as Desert Storm Wanes." Fortitudine 20 (Spring 1991): 10-11. Collecting Marine documents, photography, videotapes, oral history interviews, and artifacts from the war.

Mersky, Peter B. "What Happened Out There?" U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 118 (August 1991): 79-80. The Navy did poorly in publicizing its role in the war.

Metcalf, Joseph. "The Last Great Air Battle." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (March 1991): 26. Argues that the cruise missile will become much more effective than manned bombers.

Meyer, Mark. "Going Up to Big Al." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (July 1991): 77-79. Interview with F-14 pilots regarding a bomb damage assessment reconnaissance mission to an Iraqi nuclear facility.

Meyers, James. "Building the Desert Logistics Force." Military Review 71 (April 1991): 13-16.

Millikin, Steve. "Strike Rescue in the Gulf War." Naval Aviation News 73 (November-December 1991): 14-15. Operations of helicopter combat rescue teams in Desert Storm.

Mixson, Riley D. "Desert Storm: A Perspective of Navy Air Contributions." The Hook 19 (Winter 1991): 2-5.

_______. "Navy's Version of Carrier Contribution to Desert Shield/Desert Storm." Armed Forces Journal International 129 (February 1992): 44. Detailed response to January 1992 article by Benjamin Schemmer argues that the Navy's role was much more extensive and effective.

_______. "Where We Must Do Better." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 118 (August 1991): 38-39. Five areas where Navy air can be improved.

"The Modern Middle East." The American Historical Review 96 (December 1991): entire issue. Historiographic essays on Arab nationalism, Syrian politics, the Baath party, modern Iraq, Egypt, the Arabian Peninsula, the origins of the Arab- Israeli conflict, Israel, and Iran.

Montgomery, Glenn. "When the Liberation of Kuwait Began." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (April 1991): 51. Commander of USS Curts (FFG-38) recalls liberating Kuwaiti island of Kura and capturing an Iraqi minelayer.

Moore, Royal N., Jr. "Marine Air: There When Needed." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (November 1991): 63-70. Interview with Commanding General Third Marine Aircraft Wing, who commanded I MEF's combat aviation during Desert Shield and Storm.

Moorer, Thomas H. "Naval Aviation: Ready for Battle." Sea Power 34 (June 1991): 25-28. Naval aviation's role in the Gulf War and the effects of the postwar drawdown.

Morton, John F. "The U.S. Navy in 1991." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 118 (May 1992): 133-147. Review of the year includes references to Desert Shield and Desert Storm.

Muir, Daniel J. "A View from the Black Hole." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (October 1991): 85-86. Problems in joint aerial strike planning.

Myatt, J.M. "The 1st Marine Division in the Attack." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (November 1991): 71-76. Interview with Ccommanding General 1st Marine Division during Desert Shield and Desert Storm.

Napier, Kenneth. "With the British in the Gulf." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (June 1991): 65-66. Royal Navy forces and activities.

"Naval Air Extends Security and Helping Hand." Naval Aviation News 75 (November/December 1992): 4. Includes section on Operation Southern Watch, the enforcement of the ban on Iraqi overflights of Shiite areas in southern Iraq.

"Naval and Marine Corps Aviation in the Gulf War." Wings of Gold 16 (1991): special supplement. 44 pp.

"Naval Special Warfare in the U.S. Central Command." Full Mission Profile 2 (Fall 1992), 16-35. Feature containing brief articles on Naval Special Warfare forces participation in Operation Provide Comfort and in postwar training of Gulf Cooperation Council nations' naval forces.

"Navy Corpsman Received Desert Storm's First Purple Heart." Naval Affairs 70 (April 1991): 10.

"Navy Medicine--'The Shining Star.'" Naval Affairs 70 (March 1991): 7-9.

Neary, Donna J. "Marines in the Middle East." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (May 1991): insert. Detailed illustrations and descriptions of six Marine Corps uniforms worn for the first time in Desert Storm.

Nelson, W.H. "What's the Answer for the Gulf?" U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 116 (December 1990): 32-37. Examines U.S. interests and urges multinational diplomacy involving the Gulf Cooperation Council.

"Night Moves in the Gulf." Soldiers 46 (May 1991): 14-16. Ship-based Army aviators.

Nihart, Brooke. "Artifacts' Arrival Allows Early Start for Gulf War Exhibit." Fortitudine 21 (Summer 1991): 14-15, 24. Large exhibition at Marine Corps Museum, Washington, D.C. on "Marines in Operation Desert Storm" displays captured weapons, photos, flags, maps, U.S. Marine uniforms, and equipment.

Nordwall, Bruce D. "New Data Link Gave F-14 Pilots Major Advantage in Desert Storm." Aviation Week & Space Technology 135 (5 August 1991): 46-47.

North, David M. "Carrier-based U.S. Aircraft Flying Third of Desert Storm Sorties. Aviation Week & Space Technology 134 (4 February 1991): 27.

Norton, Douglas M. "Sealift: Keystone of Support." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (May 1991): 42-49. Importance of rapid logistical support in first 120 days of Desert Shield.

O'Donovan, John A. "Combat Service Support During Desert Shield/Desert Storm: From Kibrit to Kuwait." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (October 1991): 26-31. Overview.

O'Neill, Bard E., and Ilana Kass. "The Persian Gulf War: A Political-Military Assessment." Comparative Strategy 11 (April-June 1992): 213-240.

"Operation Desert Storm." Bulletin (February 1991), 2-4. Feature comprising three short pieces on U.S. Coast Guard active- duty and reserve personnel in the Persian Gulf.

"Operation Desert Storm." Bulletin (March 1991), 2-8. Feature comprising six short pieces on role of U.S. Coast Guard in Desert Shield and Desert Storm.

Padilla, R.A. "F/A-18Ds Go to War." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 118 (August 1991): 40.

Palmer, Michael A. "The Navy Did Its Job." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (May 1991): 88-93. Overview of the Navy's role in Desert Storm.

Paloczi-Horvath, George. "Spying from the Sky." Defence 22 (April 1991): 25-29. Surveys the effective equipment used for U.S. and allied air reconnaissance during the war.

Parks, W.H. "Rules of Engagement: No More Vietnams." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (March 1991): 27-28. Gulf War rules better for combat effectiveness than those of Vietnam.

Patton, J.H. "More Gulf War Lessons." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (April 1991): 52.

Peay, J.H. Binford, III. "The Five Pillars of Peace in the Central Region." Joint Forces Quarterly (Autumn 1995): 32-39. General Peay, General Hoar's successor as CINCCENT, discusses post Desert Storm American military policy in the Central Command region.

Perry, William J. "Desert Storm and Deterrence." Foreign Affairs 70 (Fall 1991): 66-82. "In Operation Desert Storm the United States employed for the first time a new class of military systems that gave American forces a revolutionary advance in military capability . . . adding a powerful dimension to the ability of the United States to deter war."

"The Persian Gulf: From Crisis to War." Strategic Studies 14 (Winter 1990-91): 135 pp. Issue contains seven essays by various international authors on regional strategic implications of the war.

"Persian Gulf Policy: Pros and Cons." Congressional Digest 70 (March 1991): 65-96. Contains remarks by President Bush, summary of recent congressional actions, and selected remarks by members of Congress for and against the use of force in the Gulf crisis.

"Persian Gulf War Roundup." The Coast Guard Reservist 38 (July/August 1991), 7-8. Brief pieces on U.S. Coast Guard Persian Gulf combat art, commemorative pin, and video.

Peterson, Harries-Clichy. "Intelligence: Fix It or Forget It." Marine Corps Gazette 76 (March 1992): 18-20. Problems.

Phillips, Rheta. "Logistics Automation Support for Desert Storm." Military Review 71 (April 1991): 9-13.

Pollard, Roger L. "The Battle for OP-4: Start of the Ground War." Marine Corps Gazette 76 (March 1992): 48-51.

Pope, John R. "U.S. Marines in Operation Desert Storm." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (July 1991): 63-69. Broad overview of the Marines' role.

"Port Security Units Move Out for Middle East Deployment." The Coast Guard Reservist 37 (November 1990), 4-7. U.S. Coast Guard Port Security Units in Desert Shield.

"A Post-Cold War Maritime Strategy for NATO." Naval Forces 13 (March 1992): 8-15. Argues that the next regional conflict may not be as easy to resolve as was the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.

Powell, Colin L. "All Elements of Total Force Give Military Prowess." The Officer 67 (February 1991): 12-16.

Prakash, Sanjiv. "No One Sleeps in the Gulf Tonight." Defense & Foreign Affairs 18 (July 1990): 12-21. Threats perceived by Gulf Cooperation Council member nations on the eve of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.

Prater, Phil. "Night Moves in the Gulf." Soldiers 46 (May 1991): 14-16. Army helicopter units deployed on board Navy vessels monitor merchant shipping in the Gulf at night.

Preston, Anthony. "Allied MCM in the Gulf." Naval Forces (September/October 1991): 47-69. Special supplement examines Iraq's use of sea mines, types deployed, and allied countermeasures.

_______. "Naval Aspects of the Gulf Conflict." Military

Technology 15 (April 1991): 58-61.

Price, Mike, and Steve Blando. "PSUs Join Middle East Operation." Bulletin (November 1990), 2-3. Training and deployment of two U.S. Coast Guard Port Security Units.

Prina, L. Edgar. "Conflict Spotlights Sealift, Shipbuilding Deficiencies." Sea Power 33 (October 1990): 46-49.

_______. "Jones Committee Focuses on Sealift Deficiencies." Sea Power 33 (November 1990): 46-50. House Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee, chaired by Rep. Walter B. Jones (D- North Carolina).

_______. "Navy Reorganization: 'The Fingers of a Strong Fist.'" Sea Power 35 (September 1992): 18-23. Plans for the post- Gulf-war drawdown.

_______. "Stunning Victory in a Unique Conflict; DoD's 'Final Report' on the Gulf War." Sea Power 35 (June 1992): 19-22. Summarizes the Navy's role as it appears in the Department of Defense's "Final Report" to Congress on the Gulf War (the "Title V" report).

Pruitt, Randy. "Reservists in the Persian Gulf." Bulletin (January 1991), 2-3. U.S. Coast Guard reservists serving in Port Security Units.

Pustay, John S. and Leonard Sullivan. "Preserving a Strong U.S. Mobilization Capability." National Defense 75 (March 1991): 19-21.

Rankin, A.G., and R.G. Smith. "Australian Divers Clear Mines." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (July 1991): 74. Clearing mines from Kuwaiti harbors after the war.

Ramsdell, Steven U. "Impressions of the Desert Storm Carriers." Naval Aviation News 73 (May-June 1991): 10-12.

Reed, John. "Deployments Out-of-Area: Did 'Desert Storm' Change the Rules?" Defence 22 (April 1991): 17-21. Review of allied strategic mobility during the war.

"Representative of the People: Interview with Rep. Beverly B. Byron." Sea Power 34 (March 1991): 8-14. Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee Subcommittee on Military Personnel and Compensation discusses Reserves and the impact of the Gulf War on family and personnel issues.

"Reservists Played Key Role in Navy Medical Support of Operation Desert Storm." Naval Affairs 70 (April 1991): 11-13.

Reynolds, David. "Hospital Ship in the Gulf." Navy International 96 (June 1991): 147-148.

"The Right Word Getting Out: Interview with MSC Commander Vice Adm. Francis R. Donovan." Sea Power 35 (July 1992): 11-19. Sealift during and after the Gulf War.

Roberts, James. "Going in Harm's Way: The U.S. Navy in the Light of the Gulf Crisis." Defence 22 (March 1991): 27-31. How the Maritime Strategy prepared the U.S. Navy for action in Desert Storm.

Roberts, James. "Tomahawk's Debut in Action." Defence 22 (March 1991): 33-38.

Roberts, Michael D. "Navy Medicine and the Marines." Navy Medicine 83 (March-April 1992): 8-15. Navy medical personnel supporting the Marine Corps treated the majority of all combat related injuries during the war for both U.S. and Iraqi wounded.

Robertson, James S. "FastFACs in the KTO: The First Combat Test of the F/A-18D." Marine Corps Gazette 76 (May 1992): 86-94. F/A-18D forward air control missions in battlefield interdiction and close air support.

Rodrique, George, and Robert Ruby. "Taking Down the Oil Platforms." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (April 1991): 53. Account of USS Nicholas (FFG-47) recapturing Dorra oil field drilling rigs in the Persian Gulf.

Rosenberg, Eric. "Sealift Chief Says Saudi Operations Going Well Despite Early Snags." Defense Week (10 September 1990): 8-9.

Rosenthal, Eduardo Alfredo. "La Armada Argentina en el Golfo Persico." Boletin del Centro Naval 109 (Spring 1991): 255-268. The perspective of the Argentinian naval task force commander on Gulf War naval operations.

Rowe, Peter J. "Interview." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 118 (May 1992): 128-131. 5th Marine Expeditionary Brigade in Desert Shield, Desert Storm, and Bangladesh.

Roy, Robert J. "Combat Operations Garner Unmanned Aerial Support." Signal 45 (April 1991): 15-19. "Tiny pilotless aerial vehicles that flew in Desert Storm combat operations are changing the way military battles are fought."

Rubin, Uzi. "Iraq and the Ballistic Missile Scare." Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 46 (October 1990): 11-13. Why Third World countries' missiles alarm the West.

Ruhe, William. "Desert Storm--A Year Later." Shipmate 55 (March 1992): 7-8. Based on interviews with senior retired Navy officers in response to the question "What single thing amazed you most about the Iraq war?"

"Ruling the Waves." Jane's Defence Weekly 15 (6 April 1991): 538. Navy's role in the air campaign.

Schemmer, Benjamin. "Six Navy Carriers Launch Only 17% of Attack Missions in Desert Storm." Armed Forces Journal International 128 (January 1992): 12-13. Author criticizes the Navy's "relatively small contribution to the Gulf air war." See response by R.D. Mixson in February 1992 issue.

Schmidt, John W., and Clinton Williams. "Disjointed or Joint Targeting?" Marine Corps Gazette 76 (September 1992): 67-71. Joint targeting and the Joint Forces Air Component Commander in Desert Storm.

Schwarzkopf, H. Norman. "A Tribute to the Navy-Marine Corps Team." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 118 (August 1991): 44. Excerpts from his 29 May 1991 Naval Academy commencement address.

"Sea-Land's Global Team Effort." Defense Transportation Journal 47 (June 1991): 70-71. Role of the largest U.S.-flag ocean carrier during the Gulf War.

Seal, Tom. "Roots of Conflict: The First World War and the Political Fragmentation of the Middle East." Naval War College Review 45 (Spring 1992): 69-79.

Sherman, Mike. "Informing through the JIB." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 118 (August 1991): 59-61. Summarizes efforts of Joint Information Bureaus, which supplied media with images and reports on U.S. forces.

Sherman, Rexford B. "Ports At War: Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm." Defense Transportation Journal 48 (April 1992): 10- 16. Discusses U.S. port operations in shipping cargo to the Gulf and the 1980s legislation which facilitated them.

Simmons, Edwin. "Getting Marines to the Gulf." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (May 1991): 50-64. Deployment and operations of Marines in the war.

_______. "Getting the Job Done." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (May 1991): 94-96. Marines in Desert Storm.

Simon, Steven. "U.S. Strategy in the Persian Gulf." Survival 34 (Autumn 1992): 81-97. Essay on post-Gulf-War strategy.

Singh, Sanjay J. "Indian Ocean Navies Learn From War." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 118 (March 1992): 51-54. On the failure of Iraq's maritime strategy and the composition of Iraqi and Indian Ocean naval forces.

Smith, L. "Lessons From the Rush to the Gulf." Fortune 123 (January 28, 1991): 86-88. On the weakness of the U.S. maritime industry.

"Special Report: After the Storm." Signal 45 (August 1991): 15- 85. Nineteen articles by various authors on electronic warfare, communications, data processing, night imaging, and related topics.

Stanik, Joseph T. "Welcome to El Dorado Canyon." Proceedings 122 (April 1996): 57-62. Excellent account of the 1986 Navy-Air Force strike on Libya.

"A Star-Spangled Homecoming." The Coast Guard Reservist 38 (May/June 1991), 4-6. U.S. Coast Guard Personnel Return Home from the Persian Gulf.

Starr, Barbara. "Air Forces Join to Hold 'No-Fly' Zone." Jane's Defence Weekly 18 (5 September 1992): 5. Operation Southern Watch.

_______. "Desert Storm: The USN's War." Jane's Defence Weekly 15 (30 March 1991): 471. Overview.

_______. "Tomahawk Blow to Baghdad." Jane's Defence Weekly 15 (26 January 1991): 106.

Starr, Barbara, et al. "After the Storm: Special Report." Jane's Defence Weekly 15 (April 1991): 527-554. Overview of the war.

Sterner, Michael. "Navigating the Gulf." Foreign Policy 81 (Winter 1990/91): 39-52.

Stewart, Thomas C. "No Gentlemen Fliers: A Reservist Looks at the Gulf War--and Beyond." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (December 1991): 91-92. Experiences of Volunteer Attack Squadron VA-0686.

Stockdale, James. "POWs: Silence is Not Golden." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (March 1991): 29-30. Insights on being a prisoner of war.

Strausbaugh, Thomas, and Carol Miller-Harkins. "Special Middle East Shipping Agreement (SMESA)." Defense Transportation Journal 47 (April 1991): 19-20.

Strike Fighter Squadron 87. "Aircraft--Yes! Tactics--Yes! Weapons--No!" U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (September 1991): 55-57. The Navy lacked adequate numbers of precision-guided munitions during the war.

"Strike Rescue in the Gulf War." Naval Aviation News 74 (November/December 1991): 14-15.

Studt, John R. "EPWs: A Lesson to Relearn." Marine Corps Gazette 76 (February 1992): 36-37.

Stumpf, R.E. "Red Sea Hornets Go To War." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (September 1991): 86-87. Operations of Strike Fighter Squadrons 81 and 83, Carrier Air Wing 17, on board USS Saratoga (CV-60).

Suit, William. "The Logistics of Air Power Projection." Air Power History 38 (Fall 1991): 9-20.

Summers, Harry G. "Strategic Bombing: Terrorist Act or Necessary Force?" World & I 6 (September 1991): 72-79.

_______. "Somebody's Going to Pay." Defense & Diplomacy 8 (November/December 1990): 8-11. Cost of the buildup.

_______. "Surface Warfare and Desert Shield." Surface Warfare 15 (November/December 1990): 2-9.

"Symposium on the Law of the Sea and Recent Developments in the Persian Gulf." Virginia Journal of International Law 31 (Summer 1991): 527-672. Issue devoted to legal questions raised in Gulf War, including gunboat diplomacy, missile targeting and defense zones, neutrality, use of economic warfare, and others.

Szelowski, David W. "Iraq's Defense of Kuwait and the Battle of Kursk." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (January 1991): 37-40. Compares Iraqi defense of Kuwait to Soviet defense of Kursk salient during World War II.

Taylor, J.D. "Flights of the Intruders." Proceedings 117 (March 1991): 32. Reflections on being a bomber pilot.

Taylor, John M., and Drew A. Bennett. "Word from the Front." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (June 1991): 63-71. Observationsof two battalion-level officers on Desert Shield.

Taylor, William, and James Blackwell. "The Ground War in the Gulf." Survival 33 (May/June 1991): 230-245.

Terry, James P. "The Environment and the Laws of War: The Impact of Desert Storm." Naval War College Review 45 (Winter 1992): 61-67. On the adequacy of current laws to protect the environment and their impact on legitimate defensive military operations.

Thomas, Vincent. "We Have Averted a World War." Sea Power 33 (12 December 1990): 10-19. Interview with Representative John P. Murtha, chair of House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, on Navy's role in Desert Shield and related matters.

_______. "The Sea Services' Role in Desert Shield/Desert Storm." Sea Power 34 (September 1991): 27-33.

Thompson, R. "Reservists Regain Jobs and Benefits." Nation's Business 79 (May 1991): 36-37.

"Tomahawk Missile Advances Pinpoint Warhead Accuracy." Signal 45 (August 1991): 74-75.

"The Tomahawk's Edge." Defense & Diplomacy 9 (July-August 1991): 59.

Toolan, John A., Jr. "Set Condition '1 Alpha' for LCAC (landing craft air cushion) Operations." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (August 1991): 40-41.

"Top Firms Go 'On Record.'" The Officer 67 (February 1991): 107-129. Staff of The Officer surveyed Fortune 500 companies regarding their salary and life and health insurance benefits for recalled reservists.

"Total Force Role in the Persian Gulf." Current News 1892 (July 1991): Special edition. 73 pp.

Trainor, Bernard E. "Still Go-ing . . . Amphibious Warfare." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 118 (November 1992): 30-33. Discussion of why the Marines did not launch an amphibious assault during the Gulf War.

Tripp, Charles. "The Gulf States and Iraq." Survival 34 (Autumn 1992): 43-61. Includes discussion of U.S. diplomacy in the Gulf after the war.

Truver, Scott C. "Lessons from the Princeton Incident." International Defense Review 24 (July 1991): 740-741. USS Princeton detonated a bottom- influence mine causing damage to the ship and injuries to the crew.

Trux, Jon. "Desert Storm: A Space-Age War." New Scientist 131 (27 July 1991): 30-34. Describes the armada of military satellites that the United States and its allies turned on Iraq during the war.

U.S. Navy Seeks to Bolster Communication Weak Link." Signal 45 (August 1991): 68-72.

"U.S. Ports Rise to the Challenge of Desert Shield/Desert Storm." Defense Transportation Journal 47 (June 1991): 36-41.

Ullman, Don. "HUMINT and the Operational Level of War." Military Intelligence 17 (January-March 1991): 37-38.

Usry, Floyd J. "Marking the Battlefield for Close Air Support." Marine Corps Gazette 76 (February 1992): 40-41.

Valliere, John E. "Stop Quibbling: Win the War." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 116 (December 1990): 38-44. How can operational control of Marine aircraft be structured most effectively? Describes issues under debate and command organization for Desert Shield.

Van Creveld, Martin. "The Persian Gulf Crisis of 1990-91 and the Future of Morally Constrained War." Parameters 22 (Summer 1992): 21-40. Traditional rules of war were broken during the gulf crisis.

Van Riper, Paul K. "Observations During Operation Desert Storm." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (June 1991): 55-61. Lessons learned.

Verrico, John. "Desert Storm: Getting It There Vital to Victory." Surface Warfare (May/June 1991): 6-7.

"Vice Admiral Francis Donovan, USN (Ret.): Former Commander, Military Sealift Command." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 118 (December 1992), 50-54. Interview with Admiral Donovan, summarizing contributions of sealift to the war.

Viorst, Milton. "After the Liberation." The New Yorker (30 September 1991): 37-72. Postwar Kuwait.

Vuono, Carl E. "Desert Storm and the Future of Conventional Forces." Foreign Affairs 70 (Spring 1991): 49-65. U.S. Army Chief of Staff finds that conventional forces are still critically important to national security.

Walker, Greg. "SEALing Saddam's Fate: Deception Op Traps Iraqi Army in Kuwait." Soldier of Fortune 17 (February 1992): 61-66. Successful SEAL operations in Gulf War are detailed and contrasted with special operations in Grenada and Panama.

Walker, Paul, and Eric Stambler. ". . . And the Dirty Little Weapons." The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. 47 (May 1991): 20-24. Cluster bombs, fuel-air explosives, and "daisy cutters" were used far more often than laser-guided munitions during the war.

Wallner, R. "Where Were the Germans?" U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (June 1991): 67-68. Germany provided money, hardware, and mine-hunting ships but not troops to the coalition effort.

"War in the Gulf." Navy International 96 (February 1991): 35-39. Summarizes the events leading up to the outbreak of fighting, and the initial phases of the war itself.

Wegener, Bernard. "Missile Defence at Sea." Naval Forces 11 (1990): 32-34.

Wettern, Desmond. "Coping with 'The Hidden Threat'." Sea Power 34 (March 1991): 36-40. Mine countermeasures.

Whiting, John R. "WAR-Live!" U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 118 (August 1991): 64-66. Analyzes media coverage of the war.

Whitters, Robert A. "Civil Affairs in the Gulf War." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 118 (November 1992): 107-108. Experiences of Marines' 4th Civil Affairs Group in Kuwait.

Wickham, John A., Jr. "The Intelligence Role in Desert Storm." Signal 45 (April 1991): 12. Review of successful allied intelligence operations by president of Armed Force Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA).

Will, Alan B. "Supply Support During Desert Storm: A Field Perspective." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (October 1991): 42-43.

Williams, Michael J. "Integrating Regular and Reserve Aviation Units for Combat." Marine Corps Gazette 76 (May 1992): 60-61.

Williams, Thomas W. "A Taste of Victory." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (June 1991): 33-34. Experience of one who rode triumphant into Kuwait City.

Willrich, M., and J. Cohen. "Mine Shaft." The New Republic 204 (4 February 1991): 16-18. U.S. minesweeping forces were inadequate in the Gulf.

Wilson, G.I. "The Gulf War, Maneuver Warfare, and the Operational Art." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (June 1991): 23-24.

"Winding Down and Cleaning Up." Bulletin (April 1991), 2-7. U.S. Coast Guard reservists return from Persian Gulf; Coast Guard helps combat Persian Gulf oil slick.

Winicki, Anthony A. "The Marine Combined Arms Raid." Marine Corps Gazette 75 (December 1991): 54-55. Essay on Marines' coordinated use of Light Armored Vehicles (LAV), artillery, and air power to reconnoiter Iraqi defenses and demoralize their will to fight.

Yetiv, S.A. "U.S. Security in the Persian Gulf: Planning for the Future." Strategic Review 18 (Fall 1990): 30-38.

Zakheim, D.S. "Top Guns: Rating Weapons Systems in the Gulf War." Policy Review. 57 (Summer 1991): 14-21.

Zlatoper, Ronald J. "Fleet of the Future." The Officer 68 (April 1992): 18-21. Brief outline of the Navy's role in the Gulf War, focusing on the Reserves' contribution and plans for naval personnel in the future.

_______. "War at Sea During Desert Storm." The Hook 19 (Fall 1991): 2-5.

Published: Mon Mar 16 16:20:05 EDT 2020