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Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters, to the Office of Naval Intelligence



CONFIDENTIAL                                September 3, 1918.

FROM: Sims, London

TO: Opnav.

          4003. The following from Robinnette for Navintel: The German Naval Attache at Stockholm1 has stated in confidence: “The developments on the Western front are of considerable worry to German officials; the continued success of the Allies due to new gas used and to tanks; the advance of the Allies will be stopped when new instruments and method used are solved or when certain line is reach; bad weather will be in Germans’ favor; America only hindrance to peace now; the French will insist on peace this winter.” 161103.

Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. This copy is on a printed form with an extensive table at the top. The typed date is confirmed by a time date stamp in the table. As several of the spaces on the table are left blank, it has not been recreated. The cablegram was received by initials “RCN” The table notes that copies of this telegram were sent to Capt. Benton C. Decker, Assistant Director of Naval Intelligence, the O.N.I. General Staff. and to an Adm. Kimball. There was no Adm. Kimball on active duty at this time, but retired RAdm William W. Kimball had served as an intelligence officer in the Spanish-American War and was likely being consulted by the Navy at this time.

Footnote 1: Lt. Edward B. Robinette, Assistant Naval Attaché, Stockholm. The German Naval Attaché at Stockholm has not been further identified.

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