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Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels to Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters




October 25,1917.   

To:  Commander

          U.S.Naval Forces Operating in

               European Waters.

SUBJECT:  Appreciation of work being performed by U.S.Naval

               Forces abroad.

     1. The Department takes pleasure in quoting below, for your information, extracts from a report submitted by the British Commander-in-Chief, Ireland,1 to the Admiralty:

     “DATE 11th September, 1917.        No. W.102. A.

     “MEMORANDUM addressed to U.S. and British Forces operating in Irish Waters._

          “The Commander-in-Chief wishes to congratulate Commanding Officers on the ability, quickness of decision and willingness which they have shown in their duties of attacking submarines and protecting trade. These duties have been new to all and have had to be learned from the beginning and the greatest credit is due for the results.

          “The Winter is approaching with storms and thick weather; the enemy shows an intention to strike harder and more often; but I feel perfect confidence in those who are working with me that we shall wear him down and utterly defeat him in the face of all difficulties. It has been an asset of the greatest value that the two Navies have worked together with such perfect confidence in each other and with that friendship which mutual respect alone can produce.”

     2. The Department appreciates the work being performed by the United States Naval Forces abroad, which has, no doubt, done much towards producing the feelings of friendship and respect above referred to.

     3. You will furnish copies of this letter to all Ships’ Companies on distant service, and copies will be posted on the bulletin boards of all such ships. A copy will be filed with your official efficiency record.

/s/ Josephus Daniels.   

Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG45, Entry 517B. The word ‘Copy” appears centered at the top of the page. Identification marker “MDH” appears in the upper-left corner, and “15204-31/N-32/P” appears to the right about even with the date.

Footnote 1: VAdm. Lewis Bayly, R.N. Commander, Naval Forces, Southern Ireland.