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Executive Order of President Woodrow Wilson

Executive Order.


Correction of Executive Order Number 2692 dated August 27, 1917, entitled “Establishing Defensive Sea Areas for Terminal Ports of the Panama Canal, and Providing Regulations for the Government of Panama and Vessels Within Said Areas.”1


     In order to correct a typographical error in the Executive Order dated August 27, 1917, entitled “Establishing Defensive Sea Areas for Terminal Ports of the Panama Canal, and Providing Regulations for the Government of Panama and Vessels Within Said Areas,” it is hereby directed that the word “south” be substituted for the word “north” following the words “thence north 39° west to a point with San José Rock bearing” in the description of the outer limit of the Pacific entrance of the defensive sea area of the terminal ports of The Panama Canal. As corrected, the description will read as follows:


          “OUTER LIMIT.-Line joining Venado Island with north end of Taboguilla Island; thence north 53° east, true, for 5 miles; thence north 39° west to a point with San José Rock bearing south 53° west, true, distant 2 nautical miles; thence to Tres Hermanos Beacon; thence to Punta Mala.”

Woodrow Wilson


     24 October, 1917.

[No. 2737]

Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B.

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