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Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters, to Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels

     A-1.                                       18 March, 1918.

From:-    Force Commander.

To:-      Secretary of the Navy, (Operations – Aviation).

Subject:- Aviation – Weekly Report of Operations.


     Ten Quartermasters 2cl., U.S.Navy, have completed the course in Aerial Gunnery at the Royal Flying Corps Auxiliary School of Aerial Guneery, Ayr, Scotland, and have proceeded to report to the Commander, U.S.Naval Aviation Forces, Foreign Service, Paris, France, for duty.1

     The fifteen Student Airship Pilots who have been receiving instruction in this work at the R.N. Air Station, Cranwell, England, have been distributed to several airship centers where they are now performing actual patrol flights in airships against enemy submarines.

     Ensign Nugent Fallon, U.S.N.R.F.,2 acting as second pilot in one of the Large America flying boats operating from the R.N. Air Station, Felixstowe, England, in company with two other seaplanes from that station, successfully engaged five enemy seaplanes near the North Hinder lightship, North Sea,3 on March 12, 1918. Two enemy planes were shot down and the Observer in a third was killed. All the British machines returned safely.


     Constructional work progressing satisfactorily at each of the proposed U. S. Naval Aviation Stations.

3.   FRANCE.

     Ile Tudy.  Constructional work progressing satisfactorily.

     Paimboeuf.  Nothing of interest to report.

                 Total number of flights .. 8.

                 Total time   ..        ..  2 hrs. 59 mts.

     Le Croisic.

                 Total number of submarine

                 warnings received during week 21

                 Total number of flights  ..   42

                 Total time   ..          ..   50 hrs. 39 mts.

     4 seaplanes received from factory.

 Dunkirk. Fifteen seaplanes are assembled and are being equipped with bomb dropping devices and turrets for Lewis Machine Guns. Usual enemy raids in this vicinity without damage to our property.

Nothing of interest to report from other stations.

Wm. S. Sims.

Source Note: CyS, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B.

Footnote 1: Capt. Hutchinson I. Cone.

Footnote 2: United States Navy Reserve Force.

Footnote 3: The North Hinder lightship lay about halfway between Harwich, England, the location of the Felixstowe air station, and the Hook of Holland. Rossano, Stalking the U-Boat: 156.

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