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Admiral William S. Benson, Chief of Naval Operations, to Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters

DECEMBER 22, 1917.

From: The Chief of Naval Operations.

To: Vice Admiral Sims, London.

  Effort being made to credit impression you have been hampered by failure of Navy Department to meet your request for various things, particularly personnel.1 I feel that a strong positive statement on this subject from you is highly desirable.2


Source Note: Naval Investigation, 1: 8.

Footnote 1: On the same day, Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels sent a cable to Sims informing him that during a committee hearing in the House of Representatives, Rep. Fred A. Britten, R-Illinois, had asked Daniels for a “copy of complaints” that Daniels had received from Sims since the war began. Ibid. In his diary Daniels wrote that he had answered Britten by saying he had “no time to answer petty gossip.” DLC-MSS, Diary of Josephus Daniels. 19 December 1917, Josephus Daniels Papers, Diaries, Roll 1.

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