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Lieutenant Commander William A. Hall, Bureau of Navigation, to Rear Admiral Benjamin Tappan, Commandant, Philadelphia Navy Yard

C O P Y.

CONFIDENTIAL                                     9 April 1918.

To:       Commandant, Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pa.

SUBJECT:  Assignment of Armed Guard Units on ships in European


Reference:(a)  Commander, Forces Operating in European Waters despatch No. 6102.

         (b)   Bunav. Circular Letter No. 12-12 dated 14 January 1918.

Enclosure(1)  Paraphrase of Reference (a).1

     1. In accordance with the request contained in Reference (a), you will prepare for transfer to Base 72 via the first available transportation two Armed Guard Units, each Unit to consist of one Chief Petty Officer in command of the Guard, two Guns’ Crews of eight men each, one Deck Petty Officer and one Gunner’s Mate. Their records and pay accounts will be sent to the Commander of Base 7 in accordance with the instructions contained in Reference (b).

     2. Each Armed Guard Unit will be fully equipped in all respects as though they were to be put on a Merchant Vessel at the port under your jurisdiction armed with three inch guns. The following printed instructions which are usually furnished by the Bureau of Navigation in each case have been forwarded to you under separate cover.

“Instructions for Navy of the United States Governing Maritime Warfare.”

“Regulations Governing the Conduct of American Merchant Vessels on which Armed Guards have been placed.”

Confidential Letters relative to Armed Guards on Merchant Vessels.3

These will be furnished the Commanders of the Armed Guards in the usual manner.

     3. The equipment for each Armed Guard will be so preapred [i.e., prepared] for shipment that it can be placed on board the ship to which the Guard is ordered immediately upon arrival at the Base.

Inform the Commanding Officer of the Receiving Ship when these Units are ready in order that the transportation required by Paragraph One may be obtained.

/s/ W. A. HALL                    

By direction.                

Copy for:  Commanding Officer, Receiving Ship, Philadelphia.

               "       "       Armed Draft Detail,   "

Copy to:   Commander, Forces Operating in European Waters.4

               "      Base 6.5

               "      Base 7.6

            Chiefof Naval Operations.

Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. Identifier at top of first page: “N6Th.”

Footnote 1: Neither document referenced has been found.

Footnote 2: Base 7 was located at Brest, France.

Footnote 4: VAdm. William S. Sims.

Footnote 5: Base 6 was located at Queenstown, Ireland. The commander there was Capt. Joel R. Poinsett Pringle, Chief of Staff, Destoryer Flotillas.

Footnote 6: RAdm. Henry B. Wilson.

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