North Atlantic Fleet Circular Letter No. 74
Squadron Circular Letter No. 74.
The enlistment of a number of men of the Squadron has expired, and it is natural that since the destruction of Admiral Cervera’s1 Squadron they should desire to go North. Some of the ships, however, are about proceeding to the Straits of Gibraltar with the expectancy of being absent from our coast about two months, it is considered that the exigencies of the service are such that the organization of these should not be broken in upon during this period.2 To transfer now so large a number of valuable men would be too serious a detriment to efficiency, and it is hoped that their necessary detention under such circumstances will be acceptable by them in the patriotic spirit which has been so strongly shown by them throughout the trying period which has been passed.
Rear Admiral,
Commander-in-Chief, U. S. Naval Force,
North Atlantic Station.
Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 313, Entry 37. This circular is taken from a collection of squadron circulars under the heading: “North Atlantic Station./U. S. FLAGSHIP NEW YORK (1st Rate),/Guantanamo Bay, Cuba/July 26, 1898.”
Footnote 1: Adm. Pascual Cervera y Topete. His Squadron was completely destroyed in the Battle of Santiago de Cuba, on 3 July 1898.
Footnote 2: That is, the planned attack on Spanish seaports by the “Eastern Squadron.” The war ended before that squadron left Caribbean waters.