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Secretary of the Navy John D. Long to Secretary of War Russell A. Alger


Washington, May 13, 1898.            


     As it has been positively ascertained that the Spanish Cape de Verde fleet has appeared off the west coast of Martinique, it becomes necessary to guard the lighter vessels on the blockade, and to dispose the heavier ships to maneuver with the view of developing the enemy’s plans and bringing him to a speedy action, it practicable. For these reasons, it is considered by the Department to be inexpedient to expose the army, or any part of it, on the waters in the vicinity of Cuba, until the plans of the enemy’s squadron are ascertained, or until he has been captured, or seriously worsted.

     In consequence of this new state of affairs, the orders which were lately issued, for the navy to convoy the army expeditionary corps for Cuba, have been countermanded for the present.


John D. Long,          


Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 80, Entry 194, vol. 1, p. 83. Addressed below close: “To the Honorable/The Secretary of War.”

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